Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Postdoc position in Analysis/Geometry at SISSA (Trieste, Italy)

created by cavallett on 31 Aug 2023
modified on 09 Nov 2023

Deadline: 11 dec 2023

NEWS: the call is open. Apply here https:/www.sissa.itbandiselezione-pubblica-titoli-colloquio-conferimento-di-n-1-assegno-di-ricerca-area-matematica-8

Direct link: https:/pica.cineca.itsissaar-fe-mate-47-2023

Deadline: December 11, 2023.

Dear colleagues,

This is a call of interest for one postdoctoral position at SISSA in Trieste, Italy. The appointment will be primarily based on excellent scientific contributions and outstanding research potential. The selected candidate will be hired on the PRIN project "Optimal Transport: new challenges across analysis and geometryā€¯ in the research group of Fabio Cavalletti, Antonio Lerario and Luca Rizzi.

The ideal candidate is expected to have a solid background in one of the topics of the project, including but not limited to: geometric analysis of Riemannian and non-Riemannian spaces, classical theory of Optimal Transport, algebraic geometry and symplectic geometry.

The appointment is for two years. The salary is around 2200 EUR per month after taxes, including social security and compulsory national medical care.

The position comes with travel funds and no teaching duties, so to provide the highly promising selected candidate an ideal research environment.

Interested candidates are encouraged to contact us at with a short presentation and informal description of research interests, a CV, a list of publications (an arXiv link is sufficient) and at least two contacts for possible reference letters.

The contract is expected to start from January 2024, but some flexibility is possible under exceptional circumstances. Applicants must have obtained their PhD before the start of the postdoctoral contract.