Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

11 PhD Scholarships in Mathematics at Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI)

created by daneri on 12 Apr 2023

Deadline: 2 may 2023

10 PhD scholarships in Mathematics for Natural, Social and Life Sciences and 1 PhD scholarship funded under the ERC project “CARDIOTRIALS -CARDIac simulations to run in-silicO clinical TRIALS”.

Within the Ph.D. course in Mathematics in Natural, Social and Life Sciences a priority has been established on mathematical modeling, both towards the traditional areas of application, such as Physics or Engineering, and towards emerging issues in Biology and Social Sciences. An emphasis will be given also to: partial differential equations and their applications, in particular mathematical models in fluid dynamics and in the study of nonlinear waves; statistical mechanics, hydrodynamic limits and derivation of effective equations in classical and quantum mechanics, phase transitions, disordered systems; methods of statistical physics in data science; numerical linear algebra and its applications, numerical methods for differential equations, high-performance computational techniques; network analysis problems; continuum mechanics, fluid dynamics models for cardiovascular circulation, computational fluid dynamics; mathematical models in biology and social sciences. Within the Ph.D. Programme in Mathematics in Natural, Social and Life Sciences, it is possible to apply both for the CardiOTrials Project position and for GSSI scholarships, by submitting two different applications.