Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Research Fellow in Geometric Analysis in Leeds

created by mari1 on 21 Dec 2022

Deadline: 20 jan 2023

The post will last until February 28 2026 and can start at any time from March 1 2023.

We are looking for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow to work on the EPSRC-funded project "Nonlinear critical point theory near singular solutions" led by Dr Ben Sharp. You will help to pinpoint and solve problems related to proving the existence or non-existence of almost-singular solutions appearing within geometric PDE, such as bubbling minimal (or constant mean curvature) hypersurfaces and conformally degenerating H-surfaces. The project is broad enough to provide the opportunity and support to work on specific research goals whilst developing your own research themes aligned with those of the project. 

You will join a supportive working environment of academics working at the interface of analysis and geometry, which includes both weekly seminars for external speakers and internal reading seminars on closely related topics.