Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Postdoc position @ Universität Bielefeld

created by palatucci on 07 Oct 2021

Deadline: 28 oct 2021

The project A7 "Differential and integro-differential operators with degenerate coefficients" (Prof. Lars Diening, Prof. Moritz Kaßmann) advances the regularity theory of elliptic and parabolic differential and integro-differential operators with degenerate coefficients.

The main emphasis is on elliptic differential operators in divergence form with non-negative definite matrix-valued weights and integrodifferential operators with non-negative kernels. Particular aims include higher integrability and Hölder continuity of solutions resp. their derivatives in settings, where classical ellipticity assumptions fail. Another emphasis is put on the possible occurence of Lavrentiev phenomenons. In project A7, building upon our regularity results, we develop numerical methods including optimal adaptive approximation schemes.

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