Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

PhD proposal: spectral geometry and shape optimization

created by bucur on 02 Apr 2019

Deadline: 2 may 2019

The project SHAPO « Shape Optimization » of the French ANR (from 2018 to 2022) gathers thirty researchers, including PhD students on questions related to shape optimization by considering both theoretical questions (existence, regularity of optimal shapes, new geometric or spectral inequalities) and more applied ones (physical or biological modelling, additive manufacturing or robustness via incertitude analysis). In the framework of this project, we propose a PhD on questions linking spectral geometry and shape optimization. It concerns students interested in analysis, partial differential equations, geometry and optimization. The PhD will start in September 2019 with a grant provided by the project SHAPO, and supervisors from two centres of the project, namely Nancy (Antoine Henrot) and ChambéryGrenoble (Dorin Bucur and Edouard Oudet). The topic of the PhD may evolve to more theoretical or numerical questions, taking into account the wishes of the candidate.

Details can be found in the announcement below.

Contact: Antoine Henrot,