Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

PostDoc position in Geometric Analysis at the SNS

created by root on 09 Oct 2011

Deadline: 22 apr 2009

We are opening a post-doc position at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa Geometric Analysis.

The duration is 3 years - 8 months and there are funds for travelling and inviting speakerscollaborators. No didactics.

Further information can be found at the page

(Italian) http:/www.sns.ititborsecollaboratoriesterniannoincorsoavviso58

(English Reduced Version) http:/www.sns.ititborsecollaboratoriesterniannoincorsoavviso58english

where it can be found (on the right side of the page) also the application forms.

The DEADLINE for applying is May 2, 2009.

Please, pass this information to young researchers who might be interested.

Carlo Mantegazza