Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Postdoctoral position at the Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna

created by stefanell on 13 Dec 2017

Deadline: 31 dec 2017

Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral position (full time, 40 hours per week, gross monthly salary 3.626e) starting from March 2018 or as soon as possible thereafter.

The initial appointment is for 18 months. Prolongation can be discussed, given funds availability.

The successful candidate will join the Applied Mathematics and Modeling group at the Faculty of Mathematics. The position is financed by the WWTF-funded project Variational modeling of carbon nanostructures. This project focuses on discrete mechanical systems and their geometry. Discrete-to-continuum theories, homogenization, and microstructure evolution will be considered as well.

Applicants should have (or be close to obtain) a PhD in Mathematics or related areas, as well as a strong background in Calculus of Variations and PDEs. Applications can be submitted by sending a CV to

A first selection will be made starting from December 31, 2017.

Please direct your email enquiries to