Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

Faculty positions in Applied Mathematics at University of Verona

created by orlandi on 09 Oct 2011

Deadline: 9 mar 2008

Faculty Positions at the University of Verona

Over the past several years the School of Sciences of the Universita` degli Studi di Verona, located in beautiful Verona, Italy, has doubled in size and made a serious commitment to develop a new interdisciplinary program in Applied Mathematics (Mathematics and Finance, jointly with the Business School).

To continue this growth and foster interdisciplinary collaborations, we invite applications for multiple open-rank faculty positions in

Applied Mathematics (with the Department of Computer Science)

with an emphasis on the following, broadly defined, areas: algebra, analysis, mathematical physics, numerical analysis, probability.

It is expected that most positions will be filled at the rank of Associate Professor or Assistant Professor. However, truly outstanding candidates may be considered for appointment at the Full Professor level.

Applicants should

have earned a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, Mathematics, Statistics or a closely related field;

show evidence of exceptional research promise, if applying for a junior faculty position, or exceptional research achievement, if applying for a mid-career or senior faculty position;

show potential for developing an externally funded research program (junior candidate) or a substantial record of externally funded research (mid-career or senior candidate);

show commitment to quality advising and teaching at the graduate and undergraduate levels (all candidates).

Since the positions are tenured, candidates are expected to have either some experience at a comparable institution in the same rank they are applying for, or to have the Italian habilitation ("idoneita`") for that rank.

Applicants should send their curriculum vitae, including a list of references, a research statement, addressing both past work and future plans, and a teaching statement to:

If electronic submission is not possible, hard copies of the application materials may be sent to:

Chair of the Hiring Committee co Ms. Chiara Ghini, Administrative Secretary Facolta` di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali Universita` degli Studi di Verona I-37134 Verona, Italy

Applications should be received by April 30, 2008 for full consideration.