[CvGmt News] [cvgmt] weekly bulletin

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Fri Apr 27 12:00:09 CEST 2018

Weekly bulletin for http://cvgmt.sns.it

--- Summary ---
* New papers by: Cruz Blázquez, Terracini, Brasco, Buttazzo, Guarino Lo Bianco, Alberti, Catino, Dal Maso, Salort, Velichkov, Mazzoleni, Iurlano, Focardi, Oudet, Conti, Mastrolia, Ruiz, Toader
* Modified papers by: Terracini, Franzina, Buttazzo, Solci, Verzini, Piatnitski, Muratov, Bellido, De Philippis, Pratelli, Cavalletti, Lamboley, Tamagnini, Braides, Bogosel, Valdinoci, Mondino, Colombo, Paolini, Krummel, Neumayer, Dipierro, Cicalese, Dal Maso, Ruffini, Velichkov, Mazzoleni, Fragalà, Pierre, Massaccesi, Bucur, Spolaor, Maggi, Zucco, Causin, Oudet, Novaga, Borrelli, Tribuzio, Leonardi

--- Events next week ---
* Pluripotential Theory, Geometric Analysis and Calibrated Geometry
  Wed 2 May 2018 - Fri 4 May 2018
  Department of Mathematics "Giuseppe Peano", University of Torino

--- New Papers ---
* Cruz Blázquez, Ruiz: Prescribing Gaussian and geodesic curvature on the disk
* Mazzoleni, Terracini, Velichkov: Regularity of the free boundary for the vectorial Bernoulli problem
* Alberti, Buttazzo, Guarino Lo Bianco, Oudet: Optimal one-dimensional reinforcement for elastic membranes
* Brasco, Salort: A note on homogeneous Sobolev spaces of fractional order
* Dal Maso, Toader: On the Cauchy problem for the wave equation on time-dependent domains
* Catino, Mastrolia: Weyl scalars on compact Ricci solitons
* Conti, Focardi, Iurlano: A note on the Hausdorff dimension of the singular set of solutions to elasticity type systems

--- Modified Papers ---
* Buttazzo, Velichkov: Shape optimization problems on metric measure spaces
* Cicalese, Leonardi, Maggi: Sharp stability inequalities for planar double bubbles
* Bucur, Velichkov: Multiphase shape optimization problems
* Bucur, Buttazzo, Velichkov: Spectral optimization problems for potentials and measures
* Bogosel, Velichkov: A multiphase shape optimization problem for eigenvalues: qualitative study and numerical results
* Bucur, Mazzoleni, Pratelli, Velichkov: Lipschitz regularity of the eigenfunctions on optimal domains
* Buttazzo, Oudet, Velichkov: A free boundary problem arising in PDE optimization
* Bellido, Buttazzo, Velichkov: Worst-case shape optimization for the Dirichlet energy
* Massaccesi, Oudet, Velichkov: Numerical Calibration of Steiner trees
* De Philippis, Lamboley, Pierre, Velichkov: Regularity of Minimizers of Shape Optimization Problems involving  Perimeter
* Krummel, Maggi: Isoperimetry with upper mean curvature bounds and sharp stability estimates
* Maggi, Valdinoci: Capillarity problems with nonlocal surface tension energies
* Muratov, Novaga, Ruffini: On equilibrium shapes of charged flat drops
* Mazzoleni, Terracini, Velichkov: Regularity of the optimal sets for some spectral functionals
* Maggi, Neumayer: A bridge between Sobolev and Escobar inequalities and beyond
* Dipierro, Maggi, Valdinoci: Asymptotic expansions of the contact angle in nonlocal capillarity problems
* Cavalletti, Maggi, Mondino: Rigidity for critical points in the Levy-Gromov inequality
* Braides, Causin, Piatnitski, Solci: Asymptotic behaviour of ground states for mixtures of ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic interactions in a dilute regime
* Bucur, Fragalà, Velichkov, Verzini: On the honeycomb conjecture for a class of minimal convex partitions
* Buttazzo, Velichkov: A shape optimal control problem and its probabilistic counterpart
* Buttazzo, Velichkov: Spectral optimization problems for Schrödinger operators
* Tribuzio: Perturbations of Minimizing Movements and Curves of Maximal Slope
* Colombo, Spolaor, Velichkov: A logarithmic epiperimetric inequality for the obstacle problem
* Borrelli: Multiple solutions for a self-consistent Dirac equation in two dimensions
* Franzina: Non-local Torsion functions and Embeddings
* Dal Maso, Franzina, Zucco: Transmission conditions obtained by homogenisation
* Paolini, Tamagnini: Minimal cluster computation for four planar regions with the same area

--- Open Positions ---
* 2-year Postdoc with X. Ros-Oton (U Zurich) (deadline: Mon 30 April 2018)

* PhD positions in Trento (deadline: Wed 16 May 2018)

* (NEW) Imperial college London: Research Associate in Mathematics (deadline: Fri 25 May 2018)

* (NEW) Ada Lovelace PhD Program - WWU Münster (deadline: Fri 1 June 2018)

* 11 PhD Positions, Graduate School  IntComSin, Regensburg-Erlangen (deadline: Sun 1 July 2018)

* FAU Erlangen - 11 Doctorate Positions - Interfaces, Complex Structures and Singular Limits in Continuum Mechanics (deadline: Sun 1 July 2018)
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