[CvGmt News] Centro De Giorgi: annuncio seminario di sistemi dinamici

CRM crm at sns.it
Mon Oct 9 15:13:36 CEST 2017

Ci scusiamo per eventuali annunci ripetuti


 che martedì 11 Ottobre alle ore 14:30  in Sala Conferenze, Centro di
Ricerca Matematica Ennio De Giorgi, Collegio Puteano, Piazza dei Cavalieri
3 ci sarà il seguente seminario

Title: On rank and isomorphism of von Neumann special flows

Speaker: Dr. Anton Solomko, CRM De Giorgi

Abstract: A von Neumann flow is a special flow over an irrational rotation
of the circle and under a piecewise smooth roof function with a non-zero
sum of jumps. Such flows appear naturally as special representations of
Hamiltonian flows on the torus with critical points. We consider the class
of von Neumann flows with one discontinuity. I will show that any such flow
has infinite rank and that the absolute value of the jump of the roof
function is a measure theoretic invariant. The main ingredient in the
proofs is a Ranter type property of parabolic divergence of orbits of two
nearby points in the flow direction.Joint work with Adam Kanigowski.

Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.

Cordiali saluti.
Antonella Gregorace
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