[CvGmt News] Fwd: Lettre MODE

GIUSEPPE BUTTAZZO giuseppe.buttazzo at unipi.it
Thu Nov 17 15:39:44 CET 2016

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Lettre MODE
Date: 17-11-2016 15:32
 From: Oana Silvia Serea <oana-silvia.serea at univ-perp.fr>
To: lettre-mode-smai at emath.fr
Reply-To: oana-silvia.serea at univ-perp.fr

Lettre MODE
novembre 2016

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Table des matières

-- Thèses et Postes
1- Faculty position in Applied Mathematics,  University of Maryland 
Baltimore County (UMBC)
2- PostDoc Position at INRIA, Sophia Antipolis
3- Postdoc Positions in Optimization at Argonne National Laboratory
4- Postdoc position in numerical optimization, University of British 
Columbia, Vancouver
5- 3 postes en Machine Learning et RO, Huawei France Research Center, 
6- PhD positions - Programme INPhINIT "LaCaixa"
7- Postdoc Position, Optimization/UQ, Sandia National Laboratories

-- Conférences et évènements
8- Workshop "Games and Optimization", 21-22 novembre 2016, St-Etienne
9- Data61 5th International Optimisation Summer School, NSW south coast, 
Australia, from January 8 to January 13, 2017
10- Weak KAM, Beyond Hamilton-Jacobi, Bordeaux, from January 9 to 
January 13, 2017
11- EJCIM 2017, 23-27 janvier 2017, ENS Lyon
12- Journées de Combinatoire de Bordeaux (JCB 2017), 25-27 janvier
13- JMB Remembrance Day - Paris, February 10, 2017
14- 6th Workshop on Stochastic Methods In Game Theory, Erice, 5-13 May 
15- Constructive Nonsmooth Analysis and Related Topics, 22-27 May, 2017, 
Saint Petersburg
16- Journées Optimisation de Formes et Applications, Limoges, 1-2 juin 
17- LION11, the 11th Learning and Intelligent Optimization Conference, 
18- SING13 European Meeting of Game Theory,  Paris from Wednesday July 
5th to Friday July 7th, 2017

19- Annonces de séminaires

-- Soutenances de Thèses et Habilitations à diriger des recherches

-- Autres (ouvrages, etc.)
20- Un interview de Jean-Bernard Lasserre sur Mathematics of OR
21- M. Théra a été  nommé co-Director of the International School of 
Mathematics «Guido Stampacchia» workshops in Erice
22- Notice sur Robert Janin

1- Faculty position in Applied Mathematics,  University of Maryland 
Baltimore County (UMBC)
(source : J.-B. Caillau)

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of
Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) invites applications for one tenure-
track faculty position in Applied Mathematics at the rank of Assistant
Professor starting in the fall of 2017. The successful candidate
should have a PhD in mathematics or a related field, have an active,
independent research program, strong potential for obtaining external
funding, and a commitment to excellence in teaching.  Preference will
be given to candidates who are able to interact with existing groups
in the Department, conduct interdisciplinary research, as well as
those who could continue to strengthen connections with research
groups across the university. Applicants with postdoctoral experience
are encouraged to apply. The Department offers BS, MS and PhD degrees
in applied mathematics and in statistics. For more information, see
our website at http://mathstat.umbc.edu. Current research areas in the
Department include applied analysis, numerical analysis and scientific
computing, differential equations, optimization and optimal control,
mathematical modeling, mathematical biology and stochastic processes. 
The departmental culture encourages significant interdisciplinary 
research collaboration outside the department, with a strong emphasis to 
involve undergraduate, as well as graduate students, in the research 
activities. UMBC is a public research university which integrates 
teaching and research, and has a strong emphasis on science and 
engineering at the graduate level. UMBC is located between Baltimore and 
Washington, and is in close proximity to several federal research 

A complete application should include a cover letter, C.V., summary of
current research program, teaching statement, and three letters of
reference. All application materials should be submitted through
MathJobs. Screening of applicants will commence December 1, 2016, and
will continue until the position is filled.

Applications from minorities, women, veterans, and individuals with
disabilities are especially encouraged. UMBC is an NSF-ADVANCE
institution and an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.

2- PostDoc Position at INRIA, Sophia Antipolis
(source : R. Laraki)

A postdoctoral position is available within the Marelle Inria Team 
(https://team.inria.fr/marelle/) in Sophia Antipolis (south of France).
The position is funded by the ANR Fastrelax research project 
(http://fastrelax.gforge.inria.fr/) on "Fast and reliable approximation" 
for numerical computation.
We are looking for a candidate who is interested in applying theorem 
proving techniques to effective numerical computation.
One of our interests is to formalise bounds on polynomial approximations 
of functions (Berstein polynomials and Taylor models).
Another interest is to formalize in Coq some results in real and complex
analysis (differential equations, Padé approximants, generalized Fourier 
series or Lyapunov certificates).
Funding starts in 2017  and is available for 12 months.  The  net salary 
is around 2100 euros/month, (health insurance and social coverage are 
The candidate must have a PhD, and a strong knowledge in theorem proving 
and/or mathematics.

Potential candidates can contact Laurent Théry (Laurent.Thery at inria.fr) 
or Laurence Rideau (Laurence.Rideau at inria.fr).

3- Postdoc Positions in Optimization at Argonne National Laboratory
(source :  M. Théra)

The Mathematics and Computer Science Division at Argonne National 
Laboratory seeks well-prepared candidates for postdoctoral fellow 
positions in nonlinear optimization algorithms.
The positions will include software development and/or theory in support 
of algorithms for robust optimization and design under uncertainty in 
areas of interest to the applied mathematics and numerical software 
group. Current optimization areas of interest include derivative-free, 
mixed-integer nonlinear, parallel/concurrent, PDE-constrained, robust, 
multi-objective, and simulation-based optimization.
Applicants should have comprehensive experience/expertise in 
computational mathematics, optimization, or statistics, and  programming 
in C, Matlab, Python, or another scientific programming language. 
Considerable knowledge is desired at least one of theory/analysis of 
optimization algorithms or parallel computing.

Candidates should apply at  https://goo.gl/f53Sdp

Openings are available immediately, but there is flexibility in start 
dates for highly qualified candidates.  More information can be obtained 
from Sven Leyffer (leyffer at anl.gov), Todd Munson (tmunson at anl.gov), and 
Stefan Wild (wild at anl.gov).

4- Postdoc position in numerical optimization, University of British 
Columbia, Vancouver
(source :  M. Théra)

Applications are invited for a one- or two-year postdoctoral position at 
the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, under the supervision of 
Michael Friedlander.
- PhD in mathematics, operations research, computer science, or related 
- Experience with and evidence of primary research interests in 
numerical optimization.
- Experience developing numerical software.

Please submit application materials through the UBC Department of 
Mathematics post-doc listing on MathJobs.org (Job ID 9104):

5- 3 postes en Machine Learning et RO, Huawei France Research Center, 
(source : R. Laraki)

For further information please visit the website: 

6- PhD positions - Programme INPhINIT "LaCaixa"
(source : J.-B. Caillau et O. S. Serea)

La Caixa foundation has published the call for 57 PhD fellowships in the 
framework of the program "INPhINIT". The application period is from 
November 7th until February 2nd, 2017.

For further information, please visit the following links:
Application website: https://www.lacaixafellowships.org/index.aspx
​How to apply in BCAM profiles: log-in, click in "Prospective Studies", 
choose "Basque Center for Applied Mathematics BCAM" and choose the 
position offered.
INPhINIT Programme: 

7- Postdoc Position, Optimization/UQ, Sandia National Laboratories
(source : J.-B. Caillau)

Sandia's Center for Computing Research in Albuquerque, NM, is seeking
a Postdoctoral Appointee to conduct fundamental algorithm research,
object- oriented software development, and development and application
of methodologies in the broad area of optimization and uncertainty
quantification. Areas of interest in algorithms R&D include, for
example, numerical optimization, large-scale inverse problems,
statistical inference, PDE-constrained and risk-averse optimization,
design-of-experiments, multilevel and multifidelity methods, and
random field modeling. This postdoctoral position is a temporary 
position for up to one year, which may be renewed at Sandia's discretion 
up to five additional years. The PhD must have been conferred within 
five years prior to employment.

For more information and to apply, go to 
http://www.sandia.gov/careers/index.html -> View All Jobs and then
search for posting 655472.

8- Workshop "Games and Optimization", 21-22 novembre 2016, St-Etienne
(source : R. Laraki)

Tous les détails sont à la page suivante : 

L’inscription est gratuite,  mais obligatoire, pour des raisons 
d’organisation. Pour s’inscrire, il suffit d’envoyer un courriel à : 
eric.remila at univ-st-etienne.fr

9- Data61 5th International Optimisation Summer School, NSW south coast, 
Australia, from January 8 to January 13, 2017
(source :  M. Théra)

For more informations, please look at the web site : 

10- Weak KAM, Beyond Hamilton-Jacobi, Bordeaux, from January 9 to 
January 13, 2017
(source : J.-B. Caillau)

Dear collegues,
a conference organized by the ANR project WKBHJ : Weak KAM, Beyond 
Hamilton-Jacobi, will be held at Mathematical Institute of Bordeaux, 
from January 9 to January 13, 2017. It will be mainly focused on 
Hamilton-Jacobi equation, but it will cover also Aubry-Mather theory, 
Ergodic Optimization, Symplectic Geometry and Celestial Mechanics.

For more informations, you can look at the web site : 

If you would like to participate, please contact us, and pay attention 
to include always Philippe Thieullen (philippe.thieullen at u-bordeaux.fr)
as a recipient  of your answer. Organization can not cover travel 
expenses. We can cover some accomodation expenses within the limit of 
the available budget.
If you are speaker in this conference, or you are member of the WKBHJ 
ANR project, you have already been contacted, and you can forget this 

Best regards,

Andrea Venturelli,
Philippe Thieullen.

11- EJCIM 2017, 23-27 janvier 2017, ENS Lyon
(source : R. Laraki)

École Jeunes Chercheurs et Chercheuses en Informatique Mathématique 
(EJCIM) du 23 au 27 janvier 2017 à Lyon

Tous les détails sont à la page suivante : 

12- Journées de Combinatoire de Bordeaux (JCB 2017), 25-27 janvier
(source : R. Laraki)

Les (neuvièmes) Journées de combinatoire de Bordeaux (JCB 2017)
se tiendront au LaBRI du mercredi 25 au vendredi 27 janvier 2017.

Comme chaque année, les JCB ont pour but de faire se rencontrer
les combinatoristes répartis sur tout le territoire : 15 exposés
de recherche couvrant un large spectre des objets et méthodes
de la combinatoire seront proposés aux participants.

On trouvera sur la page : http://jcb2017.labri.fr tous les 
renseignements utiles (programme, etc).

13- JMB Remembrance Day - Paris, February 10, 2017
(source :  M. Théra)

Dear colleagues and friends,

Please find below the information about the workshop, to be held at the 
Institut Henri Poincaré in Paris on 10 February 2017, that is "Dedicated 
to the memory of Professor Jonathan Michael Borwein."  Here are the 


If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

I would like to take the opportunity of this mail to thank all of those 
who have contributed to the organization of  this remembrance day, the 
speakers, the mathematical societies for their sponsorship, and PGMO and 
GDR MOA and CARMA for their support.

Please, on behalf of all of us, could you promote the event and 
encourage participation around you.



14- 6th Workshop on Stochastic Methods In Game Theory, Erice, 5-13 May 
(source :  M. Théra)

For more informations, please look at the web site : 

15- Constructive Nonsmooth Analysis and Related Topics, 22-27 May, 2017, 
Saint Petersburg
(source :  M. Théra)

Euler International Mathematical Institute jointly with Saint Petersburg 
State University are planning to organize international conference 
"Constructive Nonsmooth Analysis and Related Topics" dedicated to the 
memory of worldwide known scientist Prof. Vladimir Fedorovich Demyanov. 
A special place in the event program will be designated to the talks on 
topics that constituted the circle of the main scientific interests of 
Professor V.F. Demyanov.

The topics of interest include:
1. Constructive tools of Nonsmooth Analysis.
2. Nonsmooth Problems of Calculus of Variations and Control Theory.
3. Problems of Nonsmooth Mechanics.
4. Nondifferentiable Optimization.
5. Applications of Nonsmooth Analysis (Nonsmooth Mathematical Modeling, 
Mathematical Diagnostics).
6. Nonsmooth Methods in Game Theory.
7. Nonlinear Chebyshev approximations and nonsmooth optimization.

Conference Web Page: http://www.pdmi.ras.ru/EIMI/2017/CNSA/index.html

16- Journées Optimisation de Formes et Applications, Limoges, 1-2 juin 
(source :  L. Bourdin)

Les détails sont à retrouver sur le site : 

17- LION11, the 11th Learning and Intelligent Optimization Conference, 
(source :  M. Théra)

LION11 explores the intersections and uncharted territories between 
machine learning, artificial intelligence, mathematical programming and 
algorithms for hard optimization problems. In addition to scientific 
- Contests in continuous and discrete optimization.
- Sessions dedicated to commercial software and open source initiatives.
- Parallel computing, supercomputing, and cloud for "big optimization".
- Elevator pitches about new and crazy ideas (also by PhD students).
- Tutorials about methods and software.

Conference proceedings published by Springer-Verlag. Collocated with 
Net2017, which takes place in the following dates: June 22-23-24, 2017. 
Dec 10, 2016 paper submission deadline.
General chair: Yaroslav Sergeyev. Local organization committee: Roman 
Strongin (Chair), Victor Gergel (Vice-Chair), Vladimir Grishagin, 
Konstantin Barkalov, Dmitri Kvasov. Steering committee: Roberto Battiti 
(head), Holger Hoos, Youssef Hamadi, Mauro Brunato, Thomas Stuetzle, 
Christian Blum, Martin Charles Golumbic, Marc Schoenauer, Xin Yao, 
Benjamin W. Wah.

For more informations, please look at the web site : 

18- SING13 European Meeting of Game Theory,  Paris from Wednesday July 
5th to Friday July 7th, 2017
(source : R. Laraki)

Paris Dauphine University is proud to host the 13th SING Conference.
The organizing committee has the pleasure of inviting you to participate 
in the 13th European (formerly Spain-Italy-Netherlands) Meeting on Game 
Theory (SING13), to be held in Paris, France.
The conference will take place in Paris from Wednesday July 5th to 
Friday July 7th, 2017.
The conference is organized by the Laboratoire d'Analyse et Modélisation 
de systèmes pour l'Aide à la Décision (LAMSADE) of the Paris Dauphine 
SING13 is the thirteenth in the series of Spain-Italy-Netherlands 
Meetings on Game Theory. The conference program will consist of a number 
of invited lectures and contributed papers. Contributions from all over 
the world are invited and encouraged. English is the language of the 
We welcome contributions from all areas of game theory, including, but 
not limited to: Cooperative games and their applications, Mechanism 
design Networks, Dynamic games, Evolutionary games, Stochastic games, 
Voting and power indices, Auctions, Bargaining, Learning and 
experimentation in games, Computational game theory, Game theory 
applications in fields such as management, energy, health policy, 
industrial organization, and others.
Game theory applications in fields such as: management, energy, health 
policy, industrial organization, and others.
For the first time, the SING – Best Student Paper Prize will be awarded 
and announced at the end of the Conference.

Visit the website http://www.lamsade.dauphine.fr/sing13/ to learn more 
about the conference and the conference venue.

Questions can be directed to sing13paris at gmail.com

The organizing committee
Stefano Moretti (Chair), Hawa Gary, Laurent Gourvès, Juliette de 
Roquefeuil, Olivier Rouyer

19- Annonces de séminaires

Une rubrique pour signaler quelques liens pour les séminaires ayant
lieu ce mois-ci et organisés dans nos laboratoires. N'hésitez pas à
l'alimenter, préférentiellement via un lien vers la page du séminaire

Séminaire Parisien d'Optimisation (exceptionnellement : ENSCP 01, à côté
de l'IHP)


Séminaire du programme PGMO, salle PGMO (Polytechnique)


Groupe de Travail CalVa (université Paris-Dauphine, en salle A711)


Groupe de Travail Analyse Non-línéaire et EDP (IHP)


Séminaire Pluridisciplinaire d'Optimisation de Toulouse (lieu : voir 


Séminaire SAMOCOD (séminaire Avignon Montpellier Optimisation Contrôle
et Dynamique)


Séminaire hebdomadaire de l'équipe MOD de l'Université de Limoges


Séminaire Parisien de Théorie des Jeux (IHP, salle 05, 201 ou 314)


Séminaire de Mathématiques Discrètes, Optimisation et Décision, Centre
d'Economie de la Sorbonne et Université Paris 1


Séminaire de géométrie sous-riemannienne - IHP


Séminaire de de l’équipe Statistique, Probabilités, Optimisation et 
Contrôle (SPOC) - IMB


Séminaire MDOD (Mathématiques Discrètes, Optimisation et Décision), 
Maison des Sciences Economiques, Paris



20- Un interview de Jean-Bernard Lasserre sur Mathematics of OR
(source : J. Bolte)

Pour plus des détails voir : 

21- M. Théra a été  nommé co-Director of the International School of 
Mathematics «Guido Stampacchia» workshops in Erice
(source : M. Théra)

M. Théra a été nommé nommé par le directeur de la fondation  «Ettore 
Majorana», co-Director of the International School of Mathematics «Guido 
Stampacchia» workshops in Erice. Je vous adresse la liste des prochains 
colloques acceptés
Voici le calendrier des prochains colloques:

67th Workshop: Stochastic Methods In Game Theory
Directors:  Jérôme Renault (Université Toulouse 1 Capitole), Marco 
Scarsini (LUISS), Rann Smorodinsky (Technion)

5-13 May 2017

68th Workshop: Graph Theory, Algorithms and Applications  4th Edition
Directors:  R. Cerulli , A. Goldberg, G. F. Italiano , R. E. Tarjan

69th Workshop:  Variational Analysis and Applications
Directors: Hedy Attouch, Giuseppe Buttazzo, Patrizia Daniele, Antonino 
28 August-5 September 2018  (100) San Domenico

22- Notice sur Robert Janin
(source : J.-P. Penot)

Robert Janin nous a quittés le 3 octobre à Caen. Il a été professeur à 
l'Université de Poitiers, puis à l'Université Antilles-Guyanne avant
de revenir vivre à Caen. Lorsque j'ai reçu l'annonce de son décès 
j'avais sous les yeux, à côté de mon clavier, un texte de Robert Janin 
et un autre cosigné de Jean-Pierre Dedieu et Robert Janin sur les
conditions d'optimalité d'ordre trois et quatre. La coïncidence
m'a frappé. J'étudiais ces articles pour examiner s'ils avaient une 
relation avec des conditions d'optimalité d'ordre supérieur (non 
spécifié) pour des fonctions pas nécessairement différentiables. Ces 
deux articles, rédigés d'une belle écriture manuscrite, sont restés
inédits à ma connaissance. Je vois dans ce fait un reflet de la
personnalité de Robert qui tournait le dos au "Publish or perish"
qui s'installait dans le monde scientifique. Une autre marque de
cette attitude se trouve dans la dérision manifestée par Robert à
l'égard de sa thèse enfermée dans les murs des bâtiments de Jussieu à la 
suite de l'opération de désamiantage. Je lui ai dit mon regret de ce 
fait, car à mon sens elle contient des approches innovantes concernant 
des classes de fonctions non différentiable ayant des propriétés 
remarquables, appelées par lui fonctions PC1 et PC2. Elles anticipaient 
d'autres travaux qui ont connu des retentissements importants (fonctions 
sous-C1 et sous-C2 ou semi-convexes).

Impulsés par Robert Pallu de la Barrière, son directeur de thèse
(ainsi que celui de Charles Castaing, Ivar Ekeland, Etienne Lanéry, 
Philippe Michel, Michel Valadier, D. Saxir Thiam, Van Cutsem......) les 
travaux de Robert Janin ont été motivés par la commande optimale, aussi 
appelée contrôle optimal. A cette époque, Halkin et Neustadt avaient 
donné un nouveau tour à ce domaine jusqu'alors dominé par l'école russe 
en suggérant de réduire certains aspects de ces problèmes (comme les
conditions d'optimalité) à des problèmes de programmation mathématique. 
Il était donc naturel de s'intéresser aux propriétés de la fonction 
valeur. Aussi, c'est dans le domaine de la sensibilité (étude des 
propriétés de continuité et de dérivabilité de la fonction valeur) que 
les contributions de Robert Janin ont été les plus importantes. Il a 
réuni autour de lui des contributeurs comme Luc Barbet, Bruce Craven, 
Jacques Gauvin, Jean-Claude Mado, Jacky Narayaninsamy, Michael Ranguin, 
Rémi Sentis et d'autres qui ne me viennent pas à l'esprit.

Ce faisant, il a galvanisé des énergies, suscité des enthousiasmes et 
donné une impulsion à l'Université Antilles-Guyane qui a perduré et l'a 
hissée au rang des universités de taille réduite mais d'activité 
remarquable. Le charme de Robert, son humour, la profondeur de ses vues
mathématiques resteront dans bien des mémoires, comme la force des
vagues frappant la côte au vent sur laquelle il avait bâti sa maison.


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