[CvGmt News] [Fwd: Lettre MODE]

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Fri Jul 10 09:26:23 CEST 2015

-------------------------- Messaggio originale ---------------------------
Oggetto: Lettre MODE
Da:      "Oana Silvia Serea" <oana-silvia.serea at univ-perp.fr>
Data:    Ven, 10 Luglio 2015 6:12
A:       lettre-mode-smai at emath.fr

Lettre MODE
juillet 2015

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Table des matières

-- Thèses et Postes
1- Research Associate position at Imperial College Business School
2- Ikerbasque Research Professors and Marie S-Curie Individual
Fellowships 2015 at  Research Institutions in the Basque Country
3- Thèse CIFRE, Inria Saclay-Safety Line
4- PhD Position, Optimization and Num Meth for Coupled Problems at the
Technische Universitaet Muenchen
5- PhD and post-doctoral positions at the Catholic University of Louvain
(UCL), Belgium
6- Postdoc position on Large-scale optimization at Inria Saclay
7- PhD Positions at the University of Vienna

-- Conférences et évènements
8- Conférence en l'honneur des 60 ans de L. Praly, 27-28 juillet 2015, Paris
9- Trimestre thématique sur le machine learning septembre-decembre 2015,
International Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science in Toulouse
10- 2ème forum de la R&D, 18 septembre 2015, École Polytechnique
11- XXth International Symposium on Mathematical Methods Applied to the
Sciences, February 23th-26th, 2016, University of Costa Rica
12- Annonces de séminaires

-- Autres (ouvrages, etc.)
13- Biographie de Ennio De Giorgi

1- Research Associate position at Imperial College Business School
(source : M. Théra)

The Management Science & Operations group at Imperial College Business
School is seeking applications for a Research Associate position in
Stochastic and Robust Optimisation, as part of the EPSRC grant
EP/M028240/1 (deadline 13 July 2015).

The advertisement can be found thorugh Imperial College's job
application system (http://www.imperial.ac.uk/job-applicants). For
further enquiries, please send an email to ww at imperial.ac.uk.

2- Ikerbasque Research Professors and Marie S-Curie Individual
Fellowships 2015 at Research Institutions in the Basque Country
(source : J. B. Caillau, O.S. Serea)

Ikerbasque, the Basque Foundation for Science http://www.ikerbasque.net
has launched its annual call for attracting senior researchers to the
Research Institutions in the Basque Country.

This call offers 10 permanent contract positions for experienced
researchers within any of the Basque Research Institutions
(Universities, BERC - Basque Excellence Research Centres, CIC –
Cooperative Research Centres, Biomedical institutions and Technology
Corporations, among others).

BCAM – Basque Center for Applied Mathematics http://www.bcamath.org, is
a BERC Excellence Research Centre and Host Institution in the Ikerbasque
call, whose mission is to develop high quality interdisciplinary
research in the frontiers of Applied Mathematics. Our research agenda is
focussed in:

The researchers who succeed in the Ikerbasque Research Professors call
can join the centre as Group Leaders, to move, create or consolidate
their research groups in the vibrant scientific environment of BCAM.
Ikerbasque offers excellent conditions to internationally competitive
scientists. Contracting conditions and benefits are negotiated with

All applications must be submitted on line: http://www.ikerbasque.net/
deadline for submissions: Sept 10th 2015.

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships 2015

BCAM expresses it's interest to host Marie S-Curie Fellows in
Mathematics (MAT), Physics (PHY), Economic Sciences (ECO) and
Information Science and Engineering (ENG). We kindly ask you to
distribute this call among colleagues and potential candidates.

All applications must be submitted on line:
deadline for submissions: Sept 10th 2015.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for any additional information
recruitment at bcamath.org.

3- Thèse CIFRE, Inria Saclay-Safety Line
(source : J.F. Bonnans)

Sujet de thèse : Exploration de données pour l'optimisation de
trajectoires aériennes

Le partenariat Inria-Safety Line a déjà permis de vérifier la
faisabilité de l'exploitation des enregistrements en vol afin de
calibrer des modèles de mécanique du vol, de propulsion et de
consommation qui permettent ensuite d'optimiser les trajectoires en
terme de consommation ou temps minimal.

L'objet de la thèse est d'arriver à une analyse plus précise. La
première étape sera d'identifier avec soin les parties du domaine de vol
dans lesquelles les données permettent de calibrer effectivement
les paramètres du modèle. On pourra représenter ces sous domaines comme
des unions d'ellipsoïdes et de polyèdres, avec pour but l'obtention
d'une méthode souple permettant d'extraire ces informations d'une grande
base de données.
La seconde étape est l'optimisation de trajectoire sous contrainte de
rester dans ces sous domaines de vol. On pourra relaxer la contrainte en
pénalisant la distance aux sous domaines, et on testera ces possibilités
par les deux approches 'directe' et programmation dynamique.
La troisième étape est l'estimation plus précise des paramètres et de
leur domaine d'incertitude pour étudier la possibilité de résolution de
l'optimisation de trajectoire dans une situation 'pire cas'.

Contacts académiques
J.F. Bonnans et P. Martinon
Inria-Saclay et Centre de Mathématiques Appliquées
Ecole Polytechnique
Frederic.Bonnans, Pierre.Martinon @inria.fr

Contacts industriels
K. Tekkal et P.Jouniaux
Safety Line
karim.tekkal, pierre.jouniaux at safety-line.fr

4- PhD Position, Optimization and Num Meth for Coupled Problems at the
Technische Universitaet Muenchen
(source : D. Aussel)

We offer a PhD Position in the project CoSimO within the International
Graduate School of Science and Engineering (IGSSE:
http://www.igsse.tum.de/) at the Technische Universitaet Muenchen.

The topic of the project is development and analysis of numerical
methods for solving optimization or optimal control problems in the
context of coupled multi-physic problems. This is a collaboration
project between the chair of Optimal Control (www-m17.ma.tum.de) and
the chair of Structural Analysis (www.st.bgu.tum.de).

Applicants should hold a master's degree in mathematics or related
areas. They are asked to submit a curriculum vitae, copies of
certifications of academic qualifications held, a copy of a degree
thesis and a letter of recommendation.

Please send you application or question about the project/position to
Prof. Dr. Boris Vexler (vexler at ma.tum.de).

5- PhD and post-doctoral positions at the Catholic University of Louvain
(UCL), Belgium
(source : D. Aussel)

The Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE) is announcing
one PhD opening and one post-doctoral research opening
at the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL), Belgium.

The research will focus on optimization models and algorithms for
electricity markets and power systems operations, with an emphasis on
(i) mobilizing flexible resources in order to support the operation of
future electric power systems, and (ii) tackling the resulting problems
by developing distributed computing methods.

The stimulating research environment of CORE is supported by faculty
whose expertise covers a wide range of domains in optimization, energy,
economics, and statistics, strong interactions with international
collaborators in Europe and the United States and access to powerful
computing infrastructure. UCL is located a half hour away from Brussels,
in the heart of Europe.

Applications are due November 22nd, 2015. For additional details
regarding the research projects, benefits, and application material
please email Anthony Papavasiliou at anthony.papavasiliou at uclouvain.be
or consult the following link:


6- Postdoc position on Large-scale optimization at Inria Saclay
(source : A. Auger)

A one year postdoc position on large-scale optimization is available
within the Inria Saclay TAO team to work on black-box large-scale
optimization within the context of the ANR NumBBO project.

Details about the position and how to apply can be found here:

7- PhD Positions at the University of Vienna
(source : J.F. Bonnans)

The Department of Statistics and Operations Research at the University
of Vienna (working group of Professor Pflug) opens a position for a PhD
student (prae doc assistant) as of September/October 2015. The candidate
should hold a Master Degree in Mathematics, Statistics, Operations
Research or a similar discipline.

During the appointment of 3 years the candidate should phrase and
complete his/her PhD thesis. He/she is supposed to actively take part in
the research activities of the department and hold exercise classes for
undergraduates (2 hours per week).  The research group of Prof. Pflug is
actively involved in Risk Management, Stochastic Optimization,
Statistical Modelling and Statistics of Extremes. The candidate should
have good knowledge in probability/statistics as well as in
optimization. It is expected that the degree of a PhD is awarded to the
candidate within the 3-year period.
The annual salary is about EUR 36,000 before taxes.
The University lays special emphasis on increasing the number of women
in academic positions. Given equal qualifications, preference will be
given to female applicants.
Candidates should explain their interest by writing an email to
Professor Georg Pflug at georg.pflug at univie.ac.at. Please include a
motivation letter explaining your preferred topic for the PhD thesis and
your general interest in pursuing a PhD study, as well as a CV and 1-2
reference letters (if possible).  A list of publications and/or lectures
given, if available, would be welcome. Knowledge of statistical program
packages and/or optimization software is of advantage (R, Matlab,
Gams/AIMMS etc.).

In addition, another PhD position (with same requirments as attached)
and one Post-Doc position will be opened  in Jan 2016. Especially the
Post Doc position is possibly of interest for your students finishing
PhD. It is in the framework of a research initiative for Computational
Optimization. We need a person who is good in Stochastic and
Deterministic Optimization and helps us to structure our PhD program.

8- Conférence en l'honneur des 60 ans de L. Praly, 27-28 juillet 2015, Paris
(source : J.-B. Caillau)


9- Trimestre thématique sur le machine learning septembre-decembre 2015,
International Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science in Toulouse
(source : J.-B. Caillau)

 From September to December 2015, the International Centre for
Mathematics and Computer Science (CIMI) organizes a thematic trimester
on Machine Learning.

The goal of this trimester is to propose a series of scientific and
pedagogic events reflecting common interests of the two laboratories
that founded CIMI:
- Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse (IMT)
- Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT)

The focus will be set in particular on three axes:
- optimization problems in machine learning,
- learning with structured data and natural language,
- sequential learning.

The trimester will start with a summer school and will continue with
three thematic workshops:
- Summer school - 14th to 18th September 2015
- workshop 1 - 6th to 7th October 2015
- workshop 2 - 9th to 10th November 2015
- workshop 3 - 9th to 11th December 2015

10- 2ème forum de la R&D, 18 septembre 2015, École Polytechnique
(source T. Champion)

Comment la R&D d'EDF intègre-t-elle les problématiques innovantes liées
à la transition énergétique?
42 conférences répondront à cette question à travers des thèmes aussi
variés que les réseaux intelligents, les énergies renouvelables, les
sciences économiques, humaines et sociales, l'environnement, les villes
et les territoires durables, les nouvelles technologies ou encore la
performance et la sûreté des moyens de production d’électricité sans

En parallèle, vous pourrez assister à une exposition co-portée par la
R&D d'EDF et l'École polytechnique.

11- XXth International Symposium on Mathematical Methods Applied to the
Sciences, February 23th-26th, 2016, University of Costa Rica
(source : M. Théra)

The XXth International Symposium on Mathematical Methods Applied to the
Sciences (XX SIMMAC) is the most important event in applied mathematics
in Central America. It is organized by the Center for Research in Pure
and Applied Mathematics (CIMPA) of the University of Costa Rica every
two years, with the support of the School of Mathematics.

Since 1978, this activity has been developped with the participation of
several mathematicians and scientists of affine disciplines, coming from
Central America, Europe, North America and South America.

For more details please see http://www.cimpa.ucr.ac.cr/simmac/en/.

12- Annonces de séminaires

Une rubrique pour signaler quelques liens pour les séminaires ayant
lieu ce mois-ci et organisés dans nos laboratoires. N'hésitez pas à
l'alimenter, préférentiellement via un lien vers la page du séminaire.

Séminaire Parisien d'Optimisation (exceptionnellement : ENSCP 01, à côté
de l'IHP)


Séminaire du programme PGMO, salle PGMO (Polytechnique)


Groupe de Travail CalVa (université Paris-Dauphine, en salle A711)


Groupe de Travail Analyse Non-línéaire et EDP (IHP)


Séminaire Pluridisciplinaire d'Optimisation de Toulouse (lieu : voir site)


Séminaire SAMOCOD (séminaire Avignon Montpellier Optimisation Contrôle
et Dynamique)


Séminaire hebdomadaire de l'équipe MOD de l'Université de Limoges


Séminaire Parisien de Théorie des Jeux (IHP, salle 05, 201 ou 314)


Séminaire de Mathématiques Discrètes, Optimisation et Décision, Centre
d'Economie de la Sorbonne et Université Paris 1



13- Biographie de Ennio De Giorgi
(source : M. Théra)

Une biographie de Ennio De Giorgi vient de paraitre et est disponible
sur le site
ou encore sur http://www.milellalecce.it/contatti.html.

   * Oana Silvia Serea

   * Univ. Perpignan Via Domitia,
   * LAboratoire de Mathématiques et PhySique, EA 4217,
   * F-66860 Perpignan, France
   * http://perso.univ-perp.fr/oserea/

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