[CvGmt News] [CVGMT] weekly bulletin

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Fri Jan 16 12:00:01 CET 2015

Weekly bulletin of http://cvgmt.sns.it

--- Summary ---
* Seminars by: Vistoli
* New papers by: Fonseca, Lussardi, Bucur, Roger, Magni, Giacomini, Davoli, Bufford, Schmidt* Modified papers by: Fonseca, Ambrosio, Mingione, Morandotti, Novaga, Miranda Jr, Sire, Mora, Fornaro, Metafune, Santos, Blass, Francfort, Schnaubelt, Davoli, Crippa, Matias, Colombo, Leoni, Pallara
--- Seminars next week ---
* Thursday 22 jan 2015

time: 15:00
Dipartimento di Matematica, Aula Magna
La figura e l’opera di Alexander Grothendieck
Angelo Vistoli 

--- New Papers ---
* Lussardi, Roger: Gamma convergence of a family of surface-director bending energies with small tilt
* Magni: Variational analysis of an Allen--Cahn action functional
* Schmidt: BV Minimizers of Variational Integrals: Existence, Uniqueness, Regularity
* Bucur, Giacomini: Shape optimization problems with Robin  conditions on the free boundary
* Bufford, Davoli, Fonseca: Multiscale Homogenization in Kirchhoff's nonlinear plate theory
--- Modified Papers ---
* Davoli, Francfort: A critical revisiting of finite elasto-plasticity
* Ambrosio, Crippa: Continuity equations and ODE flows with non-smooth velocity
* Fornaro, Metafune, Pallara, Schnaubelt: Second order elliptic operators in $L^2$ with first order degeneration at the boundary and outward pointing drift
* Davoli, Mora: Stress regularity for a new quasistatic evolution model of perfectly plastic plates
* Colombo, Mingione: Regularity for double phase variational problems 
* Matias, Morandotti, Santos: Homogenization of functionals with linear growth in the context of $\mathcal{A}$-quasiconvexity
* Blass, Fonseca, Leoni, Morandotti: Dynamics for Systems of Screw Dislocations
* Novaga, Pallara, Sire: A symmetry result for degenerate elliptic equations on the Wiener space  with nonlinear boundary conditions and applications
* Ambrosio, Miranda Jr, Pallara: Some fine properties of $BV$ functions on Wiener spaces
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