[CvGmt News] [CVGMT] weekly bulletin

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Fri Jan 9 12:00:02 CET 2015

Weekly bulletin of http://cvgmt.sns.it

--- Summary ---
* New papers by: Cesaroni, Ambrosio, Catino, Rossi, Bardi, Miranda Jr, Da Prato, Guarino Lo Bianco, Metafune, Mastrolia, Romanelli, Pruess, Cannarsa, Schnaubelt, Monticelli, Arendt, Pallara* Modified papers by: Lunardi, Dragoni, Ambrosio, Mingione, Jimenez, De Pascale, Trevisan, Bardi, Mennucci, Miranda Jr, Duci, Iurlano, Focardi, Maldonado Lopez , Terrone, Sire, Priuli, Pallara, Kuusi--- New Papers ---
* Arendt, Metafune, Pallara, Romanelli: The Laplacian with Wentzell-Robin Boundary Conditions on Spaces of Continuous Functions
* Cannarsa, Da Prato, Metafune, Pallara: Maximal regularity for gradient systems with boundary degeneracy
* Ambrosio, Miranda Jr, Pallara: Some fine properties of $BV$ functions on Wiener spaces
* Ambrosio: Regularity theory for mass-minimizing currents (after Almgren-De Lellis-Spadaro)
* Bardi, Cesaroni, Rossi: A Liouville type result for a degenerate Bellman operator in a bounded domain
* Catino, Mastrolia, Monticelli: Classification of expanding and steady Ricci solitons with integral curvature decay
* Guarino Lo Bianco: Some optimization problems in mass transport theory
--- Modified Papers ---
* Mennucci: On asymmetric distances
* Duci, Mennucci: Banach-like distances and metrics spaces of compact sets
* Iurlano: A density result for GSBD and its application to the approximation of brittle fracture energies
* Focardi, Iurlano: Asymptotic analysis of Ambrosio-Tortorelli energies in linearized elasticity
* Bardi, Dragoni: Subdifferential and Properties of  Convex Functions with respect to Vector Fields
* Bardi, Maldonado Lopez : A Dijkstra-type algorithm for dynamic games
* Mennucci: Geodesics in asymmetric metric spaces
* Bardi, Priuli: Linear-Quadratic N-person and Mean-Field Games with Ergodic Cost
* Ambrosio, Trevisan: Well posedness of Lagrangian flows and continuity equations in metric measure spaces
* Lunardi, Miranda Jr, Pallara: BV functions on convex domains in Wiener spaces
* Bardi, Terrone: Periodic homogenization of deterministic control problems via limit occupational measures
* Kuusi, Mingione, Sire: Nonlocal equations with measure data
* De Pascale, Jimenez: Duality theory and optimal transport for sand piles growing in a silos
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