[CvGmt News] [Fwd: Lettre MODE]

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Wed Feb 4 18:24:46 CET 2015

-------------------------- Messaggio originale ---------------------------
Oggetto: Lettre MODE
Da:      "CHAMPION Thierry" <champion at univ-tln.fr>
Data:    Mer, 4 Febbraio 2015 17:33
A:       lettre-mode-smai at emath.fr

Lettre MODE
f�vrier 2015

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Table des mati�res

-- Th�ses et Postes

1- Offres de th�se � Edinburgh
2- Offre de stage INRIA Chile
3- PostDoctoral Position, Universidad de Chile, starting june 2015
4- Poste d'EC pour un jeune en optimisation num�rique � l'ISAE-Supa�ro
5- Poste de MCF, profil "Optimisation, Recherche op�rationnelle", INSA
6- Poste ouvert � THALES pour un(e) ing�nieur de d�veloppement en
d�cision et optimisation
7- Job offer at Qucit, an innovative startup from Bordeaux

-- Conf�rences et �v�nements

8- Annonces de s�minaires
9- 6 day Spring School on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control,
Freiburg, March 26-April 2, 2015
10- Optimization and Big Data 2015
11- Atelier/conf�rence NCMIP 2015, parrain� par le GdR MOA
12- Registration and abstract submission for 17th
British-French-German Conf. on Optimization
13- Conf�rence "Optimal Transport and Geometry"
14- Workshop on Computational Optimization (WCO'15), Lodz, Poland
15- Conference on Optimization and Control with Applications (6th
OCA), Changsha

-- Autres

16- Prix Ibni Oumar Mahamat Saleh 2014
17- International Prize ?Enrico Magenes? 2015

1- Offres de th�se � Edinburgh
(source : J. Malick)

The EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Data Science is now
inviting applications
for 10 fully-funded PhD studentships at the University of Edinburgh,
to start in September
2015. Students with a strong background in computer science,
mathematics, physics, or
engineering are particularly encouraged to apply.

The CDT focuses on the computational principles, methods, and systems
for extracting knowledge
from data. Large data sets are now generated by almost every activity
in science, society, and
commerce --- ranging from molecular biology to social media, from
sustainable energy to health
care. Data science asks: How can we efficiently find patterns in these
vast streams of data?
Many research areas have tackled parts of this problem:

* machine learning focuses on finding patterns and making predictions
from data;
* databases are needed for efficiently accessing data and ensuring its
* ideas from algorithms are required to build systems that scale to
big data streams;
* the mathematical fields of statistics and optimization provide
foundational tools and theory;
* natural language processing, computer vision, and speech processing
consider the analysis of
different types of unstructured data.

Recently, these distinct disciplines have begun to converge into a
single field called data

The CDT is a 4-year programme: the first year provides Masters level
training in the core areas
of data science, along with a significant project. In years 2-4
students will carry out PhD
research in Data Science, guided by PhD supervisors from within the
centre. The CDT is funded
by EPSRC and the University of Edinburgh.

Because of constraints from funding agencies, there are different
rules for funding depending
on your fee status:

* UK and EU students: Full funding (fees and stipend) is available.
* Non-EU students: Funding is significantly more competitive; for
details, please see

There are three deadlines for applications:

* 12 December 2014 -- all overseas applicants should apply by this
deadline for full consideration
* 30 January 2015 -- all UK and EU applicants should apply by this
deadline for full consideration
* 13 March 2015 -- any remaining UK and EU studentships will be
allocated in the third round

See http://datascience.inf.ed.ac.uk/apply/ for further information and
application forms.

Enquiries can be sent to datascience at inf.ed.ac.uk

2- Offre de stage INRIA Chile
(source : J-F. Bonnans)

Voir l'offre de stage sur le lien suivant :


3- PostDoctoral Position, Universidad de Chile, starting june 2015
(source : R. Cominetti)

Up to two postdoctoral fellowship are available at Universidad de
Chile (Santiago) starting in June 2015, or by mutual agreement at any
date thereafter. We are looking for applicants with interests in the
broad areas of Discrete Mathematics, Optimization, Game Theory, or

The selected candidate will work within a team of researchers gathered
in the N�cleo Milenio project "Information and Coordination in
Networks" (see http://acgo.dii.uchile.cl), and is expected to devote
fully to research. The appointment will be for a period of 12 months,
renewable by mutual agreement, with a monthly salary of 1.500.000 CLP
(approx. US$2.500 tax free). Shorter periods may also be considered.
Travel support is available.

Applicants must hold a recent PhD or be close to finishing their
thesis. Applications including curriculum vitae, list of publications,
research plan (1 or 2 pages), and names of references with their
e-mail addresses, should be sent electronically to Jose Correa
correa at uchile.cl . To ensure full consideration the application should
be sent before the deadline of March 15th, 2015. Late applications
will be considered on a case by case basis.

For further information please feel free to contact any of the group members.

Roberto Cominetti

4- Poste d'EC pour un jeune en optimisation num�rique � l'ISAE-Supa�ro
(source : D. Aussel, J-F. Bonnans,, J-B. Caillau, J-B. Irriart-Urruty,
M. Mongeau)

les d�lais sont courts : 12 f�vrier 2015. Voir la fiche :


5- Poste de MCF, profil "Optimisation, Recherche op�rationnelle", INSA
(source : D. Aussel)

voir d�tails ci-dessous ou sur le lien suivant :


Section : 26-Math�matiques appliqu�es et applications des
math�matiques, IRMAR, INSA Rennes

Profil : Le futur MCF renforcera le potentiel scientifique de la
composante IRMAR-INSA par son
activit� de recherche en optimisation, recherche op�rationnelle et
applications. Ces th�mes
constituent un des deux piliers de la formation dispens�e dans la
sp�cialit� G�nie Math�matique
de l?INSA Rennes. Il sera donc amen� � intervenir en optimisation
num�rique, continue et discr�te
et en recherche op�rationnelle. Il participera �galement aux
enseignements de math�matiques pour
le d�partement STPI.

Mots-cl�s : Optimisation, Recherche Op�rationnelle.

Profil enseignement :
Le futur MCF participera aux enseignements de math�matiques g�n�rales
du tronc commun scientifique
des deux premi�res ann�es formation de l?INSA Rennes. Dans le cadre de
la sp�cialit� G�nie
Math�matique de l?INSA de Rennes, ce recrutement devra renforcer le
potentiel p�dagogique en
optimisation num�rique, optimisation discr�te, optimisation globale,
recherche op�rationnelle.
La personne recrut�e sera �galement appel�e � encadrer des projets et
stages en entreprise.
Les candidats sont encourag�s � consulter le site �
http://www.insa-rennes.fr/gm.html � pour plus
de d�tails.

Profil recherche :
Le futur MCF fera sa recherche en math�matiques appliqu�es au sein du
laboratoire IRMAR (UMR 6625)
dans le profil recherch� : Optimisation, Recherche op�rationnelle. Ses
recherches pourront porter
sur l?un ou plusieurs des domaines de l?optimisation num�rique et
appliqu�e, d�terministe ou al�atoire
tels que l?optimisation continue convexe et non convexe,
l?optimisation globale, l?optimisation non
lisse, l?optimisation discr�te, la recherche op�rationnelle, les
m�thodes de d�composition et/ou de
relaxation, programmation stochastique, ...

Les candidats sont encourag�s � contacter le Professeur Mounir Haddou
pour plus d?informations.

Responsabilit� administrative et comp�tences/exp�riences :
Des comp�tences et une exp�rience de la recherche en optimisation et
recherche op�rationnelle sont
Une exp�rience dans l'enseignement des math�matiques g�n�rales et
l?optimisation num�rique est aussi
Dans le contexte de l?ouverture en septembre 2014 de la sp�cialit�
G�nie Math�matique � l?INSA Rennes,
le futur MCF devra s?impliquer dans le d�veloppement, la gestion et la
vie de cette sp�cialit�.
Il sera donc amener � participer � diff�rentes t�ches administratives
ou d?animation.

Contacts :
Mounir Haddou mounir.haddou at insa-rennes.fr ;
Marc Briane (resp. composante IRMAR-INSA) marc.briane at insa-rennes.fr ;
James Ledoux (resp. Centre de Math�matiques) james.ledoux at insa-rennes.fr

6- Poste ouvert � THALES pour un(e) ing�nieur de d�veloppement en
d�cision et optimisation
(source : J-F. Bonnans)

Pour servir au mieux l?ensemble de ses Divisions op�rationnelles,
Thales a d�velopp� un r�seau
de centres de recherche � vocation transversale, Thales Research &
Technology, qui accueillent
plus de 500 chercheurs, 80 doctorants et une centaine de scientifiques
issus des organismes
Dans le cadre de notre d�veloppement, nous recherchons un(e) :
Ing�nieur de d�veloppement en d�cision et optimisation ? H/F
Bas�(e) � Palaiseau (91)
Vous serez rattach�(e) au Groupe de Recherche Sciences et Techniques
de l?Information, au sein du
Laboratoire D�cision & Optimisation.
Vous aurez la charge du d�veloppement (collaboratif) de prototypes
informatiques et leur pr�-
industrialisation, dans divers domaines de l?aide � la d�cision et

Dans ce contexte, vos principales missions seront : Le d�veloppement
d?algorithmes (par exemple
de d�cision multicrit�re, optimisation, apprentissage automatique), La
capitalisation des diff�rents
algorithmes d�velopp�s au sein de l?�quipe, au travers de la
d�finition et de la mise en place
d?une plateforme d?outils, La r�alisation de projets pour la mise en
?uvre de ces d�veloppements
sur des applications dans le domaine de l?Espace, du Transport et de
la D�fense.

Le/La candidat(e) devra poss�der une forte exp�rience en d�veloppement
de logiciels de production
(d�finition de tests, validation, d�veloppement de plateformes
collaboratives, mise en place de
bonnes pratiques,...).
Votre profil : Dipl�m� d'une �cole d'ing�nieur, vous justifiez d?une
exp�rience d?au moins 3 ans
dans ce domaine.

Vos comp�tences :
Comp�tences indispensables : D�veloppement de logiciels (architecture,
IHM, client/serveur, bases
de donn�es, gestion de configuration, ...), Programmation avanc�e en
Java sous environnement Eclipse,
C++, Recherche Op�rationnelle / Intelligence Artificielle:
optimisation combinatoire, apprentissage
automatique, th�orie des graphes.

Comp�tences compl�mentaires : D�cision multicrit�re, aide � la
d�cision, Optimisation convexe,
Traitement de l?incertitude

Contacts :
Christophe Labreuche (christophe.labreuche at thalesgroup.com)
et Florence Aligne (florence.aligne at thalesgroup.com).

7- Job offer at Qucit, an innovative startup from Bordeaux
(source : N. Bonnotte)

Qucit is a young startup specialised in urban-mobility prediction and
In Bordeaux, for instance, we provide our client with forecasts about
the local
bikeshare system's use in the next 12 hours.
We are a small team of 8 people coming from various backgrounds
(mathematics, computer
science, statistical physics, engineering, ...). For instance, my own
PhD thesis was
about optimal transportation! We are looking for young PhDs and/or
post-docs that are
interested by the full startup experience: versatile people eager to
find better
mathematical models, but also ready to contribute in other ways as the
needs arise.

Contact: Nicolas Bonnotte | nicolas.bonnotte at qucit.com | www.qucit.com

8- Annonces de s�minaires
(sources: T. Bayen, L. Bourdin, P.L. Combettes, V. Fruchard, J.
Lamboley, B. Montjardet,
A. Rondepierre, G. Vigeral,)

Une rubrique pour signaler succinctement les s�minaires ayant
lieu ce mois-ci et organis�s dans nos laboratoires.
N'h�sitez pas � l'alimenter, pr�f�rentiellement via un lien vers
la page du s�minaire et une liste de conf�renciers,

S�minaire Parisien d'Optimisation (IHP, salle 05 ou 421)


lundi 9 f�vrier :
15h : P. Cannarsa   (Universit� degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, Italie)
16h : M. Safey el Din   (Paris 6)

S�minaire du programme PGMO, Amphi 2329 (ENSTA)


Groupe de Travail CalVa (universit� Paris-Dauphine, en salle A711)


lundi 2 mars :
10h : B. Ruffini
11h : P. Dondle
Groupe de Travail Analyse Non-l�n�aire et EDP (Jussieu, salle 15-16-309)


S�minaire Pluridisciplinaire d'Optimisation de Toulouse (lieu : voir site)


lundi 2 mars :
14h : J-F. Bonnans
15h : M. Teboulle
S�minaire SAMOCOD (s�minaire Avignon Montpellier Optimisation Contr�le
et Dynamique)

mardi 24 f�vrier (Universit� Montpellier 2, 10h-12h) :
10h : Aris Daniilidis - Universit� du Chili  (titre: � pr�ciser)
11h : Emmanuel Tr�lat - UPMC

S�minaire hebdomadaire de l'�quipe MOD de l'Universit� de Limoges


vendredi 13 f�vrier : J. Cresson

vendredi 20 f�vrier : J. Backhoff

vendredi 6 mars : B. Nazaret

S�minaire Parisien de Th�orie des Jeux (IHP, salle 05, 201 ou 314)


lundi 9 f�vrier : A. Gizatulina (Max Planck Institute)

S�minaire de Math�matiques Discr�tes, Optimisation et D�cision,
de la Sorbonne et Universit� Paris 1


mardi 17 f�vrier : S. Courtin


9- 6 day Spring School on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control,
Freiburg, March 26-April 2, 2015
(source : M. Th�ra)

?Theory and Numerics of Nonlinear Model Predictive Control?
              on March 26 to April 2, 2015, in Freiburg, by
    J. Rawlings, J. Andersson, M. Zanon and M. Diehl

which might be interesting for some of your PhD students,
master students or industrial contacts.
It is co-sponsored by the EU project TEMPO on embedded optimization.
I would be grateful if you could help to distribute
the PDF announcement in your department.

See the flyer :


10- Optimization and Big Data 2015
(source : M. Th�ra)

Following two very successful workshops in the series ?Optimisation
and Big Data?
run in 2012 and 2013; this is the third workshop in the series:

Optimization and Big Data 2015
May 6-8, 2015
Edinburgh (Informatics Forum & JCMB).


Keynote speaker: Arkadi Nemirovski (Georgia Tech)

11- Atelier/conf�rence NCMIP 2015, parrain� par le GdR MOA
(source : D. Aussel)

This is a kind reminder for the 5th International Workshop on New
Computational Methods
for Inverse Problems (ncmip 2015) organized by Institut Farman, which
will be held on
May 29, 2015, at Ecole Normale Sup�rieure de Cachan.
You are kindly invited to submit a contribution to the workshop.

Submitted papers will be peer reviewed and accepted papers will be
published by IOP
publishing ?Journal of Physics: Conference Series? both on-line and in
a printed volume.

Submission deadline, February 22, 2015

more information here:

Please note that the registration to the workshop is free.

12- Registration and abstract submission for 17th
British-French-German Conf. on Optimization
(source : M. Th�ra)

Registration and abstract submission are open for the 17th
British-French-German Conference
on Optimization held at Imperial College London, UK, on June 15th-17th, 2015.

The conference will address all aspects of optimization and its
applications, including
optimization theory and algorithm design, robust and stochastic
optimization, variational
inequalities and convex analysis as well as applications in control
theory, energy, finance,
operations management and engineering.

More information about the conference series, which started in
Oberwolfach in 1980, can be
found at http://optimisation.doc.ic.ac.uk/bfg2015.

Further enquiries can also be sent to bfg2015 at imperial.ac.uk.


27 Feb '15: Proposals deadline for invited sessions
06 Mar '15: Submission deadline for extended abstracts
13 Mar '15: Notification of abstract acceptance
08 May '15: Early registration deadline

13- Conf�rence "Optimal Transport and Geometry"
(source : J. Bertrand)

Le groupe ANR GMT organise une conf�rence � Optimal Transport and
Geometry �,
� Montpellier du 22 au 26 juin prochain. Il y aura deux mini-cours de
Francesco Maggi
et Karl T. Sturm et une douzaine d?expos�s.

Pour plus d?informations, voir http://www.math.univ-montp2.fr/anr-gmt/.

Les organisateurs,
J�r�me Bertrand & Philippe Castillon.

14- Workshop on Computational Optimization (WCO'15), Lodz, Poland
(source : D. Aussel)

8th Workshop on Computational Optimization (WCO'15)
Lodz, Poland, 13-16 September, 2015

Many real world problems arising in engineering, economics, medicine and
other domains can be formulated as optimization tasks. These problems
are frequently characterized by non-convex, non-differentiable,
discontinuous, noisy or dynamic objective functions and constraints
which ask for adequate computational methods.

The aim of this workshop is to stimulate the communication between
researchers working on different fields of optimization and
practitioners who need reliable and efficient computational optimization

We invite original contributions related to both theoretical and
practical aspects of optimization methods.

15- Conference on Optimization and Control with Applications (6th
OCA), Changsha
(source : )

The  6th International Conference on Optimization and Control with
(6th OCA) is organised by Changsha University of Technology (China) and
University (Australia). It will be held on 12-16 December, 2015 in
Changsha, China.
The co-chairs of the Organising committee are Mingyong Lai (President
of Changsha
University of Technology) and Kok Lay Teo. The co-chairs of the International
Program Committee are Masao Fukushima and Jie Sun, while the co-chairs of the
Advisory Committee are Shu-Cherng Fan and T. Tanaka.

16- Prix Ibni Oumar Mahamat Saleh 2014
(source : J-B. Caillau)

Le Comit� du Prix Ibni a d�cid� � l'unanimit� de proposer que le
soit attribu�
� Monsieur David Jaures Fotsa Mbogne. David Jaures Fotsa Mbogne est un
camerounais, assistant a l'Universite de Ngaoundere, qui effectue sa
these sur le
contr�le optimal des modeles d'�quations de d�rivees partielles en vue
en epidemiologie et ecologie, sous la direction de David Bekolle,
codirigee par Elvis
Houpa et Michel Ndoumbe.


17- International Prize ?Enrico Magenes? 2015
(source : M. Th�ra)

The Italian Mathematical Union, in collaboration with the Department
of Mathematics
?Felice Casorati? of the University of Pavia, the Institute of Applied
and Information Technology IMATI-CNR ?Enrico Magenes?, the Laboratory
for Modeling
and Scientific Computing MOX of Politecnico di Milano, students,
colleagues and
friends of Enrico Magenes, invites applications and nominations for the

International Prize ?Enrico Magenes? 2015 amounting to 10.000 Euro.

The prize is awarded for outstanding achievements in the field of
Analysis, either
Theoretical or Numerical, of Differential Models and their Applications.

The prize is open to any person born since January 1, 1970;
the deadline for applications and nominations is March 1, 2015.

Further information can be found on



Thierry Champion

--- Laboratoire Imath, Universite de Toulon
--- http://champion.univ-tln.fr

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