[CvGmt News] seminario di "Calcolo delle Variazioni e Analisi Geometrica"

Agnese Di Castro dicastro at mail.dm.unipi.it
Tue Mar 4 14:59:48 CET 2014

Cari colleghi,

vi comunichiamo che domani, mercoledi'  5 marzo alle ore 17.00 nell'aula riunioni, presso il Dipartimento di Matematica (Univerista' di Pisa), il Prof. Enrico Bini (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna) presentera' un seminario dal titolo:

"Optimal Sampling for Linear Control Systems"

Abstract: In embedded control systems, reducing the number of sampling instants per time unit without degrading the control performance (w.r.t. periodic sampling, for example) can lead to several benefits such as energy saving, reduced communication bandwidth, etc. 
In this talk the problem of optimal sampling is discussed. Such a problem is solved explicitly for first-order systems. The explicit solution of the optimal sampling reveals an interesting connection with the problem of quantization of the optimal continuous-time control input.


Agnese & Bozhidar

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