[CvGmt News] [Fwd: Workshop & School at GSSI L'Aquila June 9-16]

buttazzo at dm.unipi.it buttazzo at dm.unipi.it
Sat Mar 1 08:59:18 CET 2014

-------------------------- Messaggio originale ---------------------------
Oggetto: Workshop & School at GSSI L'Aquila June 9-16
Da:      "Pierangelo Marcati" <pierangelo.marcati at gssi.infn.it>
Data:    Sab, 1 Marzo 2014 8:44
A:       undisclosed-recipients:;

At GSSI L'Aquila  a  Workshop School on

Transport, Microscale and Fluids
June 9-16

Lectures by

Stefano  Bianchini
Camillo De Lellis
Felix Otto

Seminars by
L.Berselli, L.Caravenna, E. Chiodaroli, G.Crippa, O. Kreml

FINANCIAL SUPPORT:  About 10 grants covering lodging and living
expenses will be awarded
to PhD students.
Send Short CV, possibly one presentation letter by a senior
mathematician and a short (10 lines)
statement describing your interest in the school.   WRITE:   TMF -
SUPPORT  in the Subject.

INFO:  paolo.antonelli at gssi.infn.it
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