[CvGmt News] CVGMT: weekly bulletin

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Fri Jan 31 12:00:02 CET 2014

Subject: CVGMT weekly bulletin

Weekly bulletin of http://cvgmt.sns.it/

--- Summary ---

* New papers by: Erhardt, Bucur, Guo, Bellettini, Fragal?, Novaga, Orlandi
* Modified papers by: Granlund, Mantegazza, Bardi, Mongodi, Stepanov, Cavalletti, Grillo, Kuusi, Pinchover, Mazzieri, Catino, Kovarik, Lorent, Cicalese, Cao, Chen, Louet, Weidl, Mingione, Marola, Paolini, Maldonado Lopez , Solombrino

--- New Papers ---

* Guo: Generalized quasidisks and conformality II

* Bellettini, Novaga, Orlandi: Eventual regularity for the parabolic minimal surface equation

* Erhardt: H?lder estimates for parabolic obstacle problems

* Erhardt: Calder?n-Zygmund theory for parabolic obstacle problems with nonstandard growth

* Erhardt: Existence of solutions to parabolic problems with nonstandard growth and irregular obstacles

* Erhardt: Higher integrability for solutions to parabolic problems with irregular obstacles and nonstandard growth

* Bucur, Fragal?: A Faber-Krahn inequality for the Cheeger constant of N-gons

--- Modified Papers ---

* Cao, Catino, Chen, Mantegazza, Mazzieri: Bach-Flat Gradient Steady Ricci Solitons

* Grillo, Kovarik, Pinchover: Sharp two-sided heat kernel estimates of twisted tubes and applications

* Paolini, Stepanov: Structure of metric cycles and normal one-dimensional currents

* Lorent: Differential inclusions, non-absolutely convergent integrals and the first theorem of complex analysis

* Louet: Some results on Sobolev spaces with respect to a measure and applications to a new transport problem

* Kuusi, Mingione: Gradient regularity for nonlinear parabolic equations

* Catino, Mazzieri, Mongodi: Rigidity of gradient Einstein shrinkers

* Bardi, Maldonado Lopez : A Dijkstra-type algorithm for dynamic games

* Granlund, Marola: Phragmen-Lindel?f theorem for infinity harmonic functions

* Cavalletti: Monge problem in metric measure spaces with Riemannian Curvature-Dimension condition

* Cicalese, Solombrino: Frustrated ferromagnetic spin chains: a variational approach to chirality transitions

* Kovarik, Weidl: Improved Berezin-Li-Yau inequalities with magnetic field

* Paolini, Stepanov: Flows of measures generated by vector fields

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