[CvGmt News] [CVGMT] weekly bulletin

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Fri Dec 12 12:00:01 CET 2014

Weekly bulletin of http://cvgmt.sns.it

--- Summary ---
* New papers by: Wiedemann, Bouchut, Gusev, Ambrosio, Bucur, Paolini, Bohun, Beorchia, Speight, Bellettini, Amato, Figalli, Koskela, Henrot, Crippa, Guo, Colombo, Spirito, Pasquarelli* Modified papers by: Carlotto, Massaccesi, Ambrosio, Sedjro, Zeppieri, Cavalletti, Westdickenberg, Scala, Müller, Van Goethem, Scardia--- New Papers ---
* Guo, Koskela: Sharpness of uniform continuity of quasiconformal mappings onto s-John domains
* Guo: Sharp capacity estimates in s-John domains
* Speight: Lusin Approximation and Horizontal Curves in Carnot Groups
* Bellettini: Lecture Notes on Mean Curvature Flow, Barriers and Singular Perturbations
* Bellettini, Beorchia, Paolini, Pasquarelli: Shape Reconstruction from Apparent Contours. Theory and Algorithms
* Bucur, Henrot: A new isoperimetric inequality for the elasticae
* Crippa, Spirito: Renormalized Solutions of the 2D Euler Equations
* Crippa, Gusev, Spirito, Wiedemann: Failure of the Chain Rule for the Divergence of Bounded Vector Fields
* Crippa, Gusev, Spirito, Wiedemann: Non-uniqueness and prescribed energy for the continuity equation
* Bohun, Bouchut, Crippa: Lagrangian flows for vector fields with anisotropic regularity
* Ambrosio, Colombo, Figalli: On the Lagrangian structure of transport equations: the Vlasov-Poisson system
* Amato, Bellettini, Paolini: Constrained $BV$ functions on double coverings for Plateau's type problems
--- Modified Papers ---
* Ambrosio, Carlotto, Massaccesi: Lecture Notes on Partial Differential Equations
* Müller, Scardia, Zeppieri: Geometric rigidity for incompatible fields and an application to strain-gradient plasticity
* Scala, Van Goethem: Dislocations at the continuum scale: functional setting and variational properties
* Cavalletti, Sedjro, Westdickenberg: A time discretization for the pressureless gas dynamics equations
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