[CvGmt News] [CVGMT] weekly bulletin

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Fri Dec 5 12:00:02 CET 2014

Weekly bulletin of http://cvgmt.sns.it

--- Summary ---
* Seminars by: Stepanov
* New papers by: Mondino, Li, Mantegazza, Neumayer, Caroccia, Durand-Cartagena, Lemenant, Cavalletti* Modified papers by: Di Marino, Ambrosio, Mascellani, Uraltsev, Mantegazza, Roger, Millot, Alicandro, Kuusi, Sire, Morini, Lussardi, Speight, Valdinoci, Figalli, Modica, Mingione, Mariano, Ruffini, Gelli, Fusco, Giaquinta, Di Castro, Carlotto, Massaccesi, Trevisan, Maggi, Magni, Peletier, Novaga
--- Seminars next week ---
* Wednesday 10 dec 2014

time: 17:30
Dipartimento di Matematica, Aula seminari
Properties of the free boundary in the optimal compliance problem
Eugene Stepanov (St. Petersburg State University)
Abstract. We consider the problem of finding the optimal shape of a support of some elastic material under the given load so as to optimize the compliance of the latter. The topological properties of the optimal support (which may be viewed as the ``free boundary'') as well as its regularity will be studied.

--- New Papers ---
* Durand-Cartagena, Li: Preservation of bounded geometry under sphericalization and flattening: quasiconvexity and $\infty$-Poincaré inequality
* Cavalletti, Mondino: Measure rigidity of Ricci curvature lower bounds
* Caroccia, Neumayer: A note on the stability of the Cheeger constant of $N$-gons
* Mantegazza: Smooth Geometric Evolutions of Hypersurfaces and Singular Approximation of Mean Curvature Flow
* Lemenant: A selective review on Mumford-Shah minimizers
--- Modified Papers ---
* Mantegazza: Su Alcune Definizioni Deboli di Curvatura per Insiemi Non Orientati
* Magni, Mantegazza: A Note on Grayson's Theorem
* Ambrosio, Carlotto, Massaccesi: Lecture Notes on Partial Differential Equations
* Giaquinta, Mariano, Modica: Stress constraints in simple bodies undergoing large strains: a variational approach
* Mantegazza, Mascellani, Uraltsev: On the Distributional Hessian of the Distance Function
* Di Marino, Speight: The $p$-Weak Gradient Depends on $p$
* Ambrosio, Trevisan: Well posedness of Lagrangian flows and continuity equations in metric measure spaces
* Lussardi, Peletier, Roger: Variational analysis of a mesoscale model for bilayer membranes
* Figalli, Fusco, Maggi, Millot, Morini: Isoperimetry and stability properties of balls with respect to nonlocal energies
* Di Castro, Novaga, Ruffini, Valdinoci: Non-local quantitative isoperimetric inequalities
* Kuusi, Mingione, Sire: Nonlocal equations with measure data
* Alicandro, Gelli: Local and non local continuum limits of Ising type energies for spin systems
* Kuusi, Mingione, Sire: A fractional Gehring lemma, with applications to nonlocal equations
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