[CvGmt News] [Fwd: Lettre MODE]

buttazzo at dm.unipi.it buttazzo at dm.unipi.it
Thu Sep 12 08:00:04 CEST 2013

-------------------------- Messaggio originale --------------------------
Oggetto: Lettre MODE
Da:      "Thierry Champion" <champion at univ-tln.fr>
Data:    Mer, 11 Settembre 2013 19:06
A:       lettre-mode-smai at emath.fr

Lettre MODE
septembre 2013

Envoyez vos contributions en format simple texte �
champion at univ-tln.fr <mailto:champion at univ-tln.fr> avant la fin du mois.

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Vous pouvez �galement retrouver les lettres MODE sur le site :


Table des mati�res

-- Th�ses et Postes
1- Proposition de th�se et postdoc � l'INRIA Saclay-Ile-de-France
2- Post Doc position Sao Paulo (Brazil)
3- Poste ing�nieur Recherche Op�rationnelle, Institut de Maths Bordeaux
4- Chef de Projet Optimisation Dynamique Stochastique
5- Position at DIM (Santiago, Chile)
6- Faculty position in combinatorics and optimization, Univ. of Waterloo
7- Professeur des Universit�s en 26�me section, Univ. Dijon
8- Senior positions at UBC: Head, Provost, and President

-- Conf�rences et �v�nements
9- Annonces de s�minaires
10- COST Workshop on MINLP 2013, IHP (Paris)
11- Journ�es annuelles du PGMO : 3 et 4 octobre, Ensta, Palaiseau
12- Autumn School in Image Processing
13- First Workshop on Optimization for Image and Signal Processing
14- CIMPA-UNESCO School on Generalized Nash equilibrium, Delhi (India)
15- SIAM Conference on Optimization (OP14)
16- Winter Scool on Calc Var. in Physics and Materials Science, Univ.
17- SIAM Conference on Optimization (OP14)


1- Proposition de th�se et postdoc � l'INRIA Saclay-Ile-de-France
(sources: A. Auger, J.F. Bonnans)

Summary: We are looking for excellent and motivated candidates for a
PhD and a postdoc position in the domain of stochastic numerical
optimization. The topic is fairly open and ranges from theoretical
aspects, benchmarking to algorithm design. We encourage particularly
candidates with a strong background in mathematics who are however not
averse to numerical simulations. But we will also consider
applications with other profiles.

To apply send an email with title: ``Application for PhD thesis /
Postdoc in
Stochastic Numerical Black-Box Optimization'' to Anne Auger
(anne.auger_at_inria.fr) and
Nikolaus Hansen (nikolaus.hansen_at_inria.fr) containing: (i) a detailed CV
(ii) a motivation letter (iii) name and email address of referee(s).

For more details:


2- Post Doc position Sao Paulo (Brazil)
(sources: M. Th�ra)

The new Center for Research in Mathematical Sciences Applied to Industry
http://www.fapesp.br/cepid/pasta_cepid_2013.pdf?t=1), hosted by the
University of
S�o Paulo, Brazil, and sponsored by FAPESP, has an open post-doc
position for the project:

"Mathematical models for maximizing environment conditions in  Broiler

The conditions for the fellowship can be found in

The project involves the development of mathematical models with direct

in the industry.The company associated to the project ensures access to
all necessary
data and real perspectives for practical application of the results. The
candidates should
be knowledgeable in scientific computing, artificial intelligence,
heuristics, linear, and
nonlinear programming. More important, he/she should be willing to
pursue a carrier
associated with the industry fostering a high level of technological

Possible candidates should contact Prof. Jos� Mart�nez
<martinez at ime.unicamp.br <mailto:martinez at ime.unicamp.br>>.


3- Poste ing�nieur Recherche Op�rationnelle, Institut de Maths Bordeaux
(sources: J.F. Bonnans)

Bordeaux's CPU Labex (http://cpu.labex-univ-bordeaux.fr
<http://cpu.labex-univ-bordeaux.fr/>) is offering an engineer
position in the Operations Research group of the Mathematics Institute.
The research team is structured around an INRIA project, named Realopt,
with a focus
on reformulation and decomposition approaches for applications in
optimization. The appointee shall contribute to develop a
proof-of-concept code for
such approaches.

For details see


Candidates are invited to contact Francois Vanderbeck
fv at math.u-bordeaux1.fr <mailto:fv at math.u-bordeaux1.fr>


4- Chef de Projet Optimisation Dynamique Stochastique
(sources: J.B. Hiriart-Urruty)

Vous d�velopperez des mod�les de syst�me de contr�le des actifs
�nerg�tiques en
temps r�el visant � �quilibrer l'offre et la demande en optimisant les
futurs possibles.

Recherche op�rationnelle, math�matiques appliqu�es, optimisation
dynamique, DAPP...
sont les mots clefs qui vous caract�risent.

Passionn� par le domaine des �nergies renouvelable, vous avez un solide
scientifique et math�matique.

Vous souhaitez rejoindre une �quipe de professionnels du secteur de
l'�nergie avec
une vraie culture industrielle et qui pensent que de fortes valeurs
humaines sont
essentielles � l'�panouissement personnel de chacun.

Etre partie prenante du d�veloppement de votre entreprise et voir les
r�sultats concrets
des solutions que vous proposez sont la source de vos motivations

Vos qualit�s relationnelles, votre fort engagement personnel, seront les
garants de votre
int�gration dans notre �quipe.

Pr�t � vivre l'aventure ? Merci d'adresser votre candidature par mail,
sous r�f�rence
CPDP/ER, � Caroline Devisch cyriaselection at wanadoo.fr
<mailto:cyriaselection at wanadoo.fr>

Sylvie Bridier
sbcyriaselection at orange.fr <mailto:sbcyriaselection at orange.fr>
6 avenue Franklin Roosevelt
75008 Paris


5- Position at DIM (Santiago, Chile)
(sources: J.F. Bonnans, M. Th�ra)

The Department of Mathematical Engineering (DIM) of the University of
Chile is offering
a tenure-track position in Mathematics, starting on March 1, 2014.
Candidates should
hold a Ph.D. degree at the date of appointment, and preferably not
before January 2008.

Applications in all areas of Mathematics are encouraged, but priority
will be given to those
candidates whose research is related with the mathematical areas
cultivated at DIM
(see the web page www.dim.uchile.cl).

See the details on :



6- Faculty position in combinatorics and optimization, Univ. of Waterloo
(sources: M. Th�ra)

The Department of Combinatorics and Optimization
(http://math.uwaterloo.ca/co) at the University of Waterloo
invites applications for an open rank, tenure-track or tenured
faculty position. The focus of the search is in the areas of
continuous optimization and graph theory.

A Ph.D. degree and evidence of excellence in research and teaching
are required. Successful applications are expected to maintain an
active program of research, to attract and supervise graduate
students, and to participate in undergraduate and graduate teaching.
Salary will depend on the candidate's qualifications. The effective
date of appointment is July 1, 2014.

Interested individuals should apply using the MathJobs site
(http://www.mathjobs.org <http://www.mathjobs.org/>). Applications
should include a
curriculum vitae, research and teaching statements, and up to
three reprints/preprints. In addition, at least three reference
letters should be submitted.

Inquiries may be addressed to combopt at math.uwaterloo.ca
<mailto:combopt at math.uwaterloo.ca> or to
Alfred Menezes, Chair, Department of Combinatorics and Optimization,
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1. Closing
date for receipt of applications is December 1, 2013.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadians
and permanent residents will be given priority. The University of
Waterloo encourages applications from all qualified individuals,
including women, members of visible minorities, native people, and
persons with disabilities.


7- Professeur des Universit�s en 26�me section, Univ. Dijon
(sources: A. Jourani, J.F. Bonnans)

Un poste de Professeur des Universit�s en 26�me section est susceptible
d'�tre vacant � la rentr� 2014 � l'Universit� de Bourgogne (Dijon).
Le professeur recrut� sera affect� � l'UFR de Science Economique et de
o� il assurera ses enseignements. Sa recherche s'effectuera au sein de
de Math�matiques de Bourgogne.

Profil Enseignement : Le candidat aura la responsabilit� des
enseignements de
math�matiques de la licence d'�conomie et de gestion. Il devra faire
d'une  bonne exp�rience dans l'enseignement des math�matiques de
notamment en optimisation.

Profil Recherche : Le candidat devra pr�senter de solides comp�tences en
math�matiques appliqu�es avec une ma�trise plus particuli�re des
de l'optimisation et de la d�cision en ad�quation avec le profil


8- Senior positions at UBC: Head, Provost, and President
(sources: M. Th�ra)

Senior SIAM fellows may be interested by the following 3 open positions
from senior to very senior levels:

* UBC Okanagan, Arts & Sciences, Unit 5 is looking for a new head. The
background of the candidate can
be in Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics, or Physics. This is a
great opportunity for senior associate
professor or junior full professor. We have a very strong group in
Optimization on our campus with 9
members including a Canada Research Chair, so both continuous and
discrete optimizers are encouraged
to take a look at the adv at

* UBC Okanagan is looking for a new provost. The search is conducted
through a head hunter firm.

* UBC is looking for a new president. The search is also conducted
through a head hunter firm


9- Annonces de s�minaires
(sources: P.L. Combettes, J.F. Babadjian)

Une rubrique pour signaler succinctement les s�minaires ayant
lieu ce mois-ci et organis�s dans nos laboratoires.
N'h�sitez pas � l'alimenter, pr�f�rentiellement via un lien vers
la page du s�minaire et une liste de conf�renciers,

S�minaire Parisien d'Optimisation (IHP, salle 421)


Lundi 21 octobre
15h00 : L. Brasco
CT CalVa -- Calcul des Variations (LJLL - Paris 6, barre 15-16 salle 309)


Lundi 23 septembre :
10h00 : I. Ekeland
11h15 : M. Lewin



10- COST Workshop on MINLP 2013, IHP (Paris)
(sources: M. Th�ra)

Sept. 30 to Oct. 2, 2013
Institut Henri Poincare, Paris, France

Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming (MINLP) is concerned with finding
optimal solutions of optimization problems involving continuous and
integer variables, as well as nonlinear terms in the objective function
and constraints.

Call for posters: if you want to present a poster, please send:
author names, title and a short abstract (max 1 page) to
cwminlp at gmail.com <mailto:cwminlp at gmail.com>, BEFORE SEPT. 18.

To register, just send your name and affiliation to cwminlp at gmail.com
<mailto:cwminlp at gmail.com>
There is no registration fee. REGISTRATION DEADLINE: SEPT. 20.

For more information: https://sites.google.com/site/cwminlp13/
Email: cwminlp at gmail.com <mailto:cwminlp at gmail.com>


11- Journ�es annuelles du PGMO : 3 et 4 octobre, Ensta, Palaiseau
(sources: J.F. Bonnans)

Conf�renciers invit�s:
- A. Nemirovski (Georgia Tech)
- A. Lodi (U. Bologne)
- Y. Smeers (CORE, Louvain la Neuve)
- M. Teboulle (U. Tel Aviv)

Le 2 octobre de 14h � 16h, au b�timent Turing:
   A. Nemirovski donnera un minicours sur
"Saddle points and statistical estimation"

Programme et inscription (sans frais)


12- Autumn School in Image Processing
(sources: M. Th�ra)


Monday, Oct 21, 2013 -- Thursday, Oct 31, 2013

University of Verona, Department of Computer Science, Verona - Italy

Aim of this School is to present general methods and algorithms as well
as numerical issues
related to some variational models for a variety of relevant image
processing tasks, such as
edge-preserving regularisation, impainting, video-editing. Two
independent although related
courses of 12 hours each will be delivered by leading experts in the field.

The lectures are self-contained and cover several topics (from basics to
state-of-the-art) of a
multidisciplinary flourishing research field. This School is mainly
addressed to an audience of
graduate students of applied math, computer science, engineering as well
as young post-doctoral

Registration is free but mandatory for organisational purposes.

The school is part of the Master Degree of Mathematics and of the PhD
program of Computer
Science of the University of Verona.

For more information see the web page of the school (still under
or send an e-mail to: master.math at sci.univr.it
<mailto:master.math at sci.univr.it>

Organizing Commitee: U. Castellani, G. Orlandi

Invited Speakers: A. Chambolle, S. Masnou

Web page of the School: http://profs.sci.univr.it/sip13/

Keywords: Total variation, Variational methods, Image processing


13- First Workshop on Optimization for Image and Signal Processing
(sources: M. Th�ra)

Le premier workshop sur l'optimisation pour l'imagerie et le traitement
du signal
aura lieu du 18 au 20 Novembre 2013 � Polytechnique. L'inscription est
et comprend la restauration le midi, mais elle est obligatoire.

Toutes les informations sont disponibles sur le site de la conf�rence :



14- CIMPA-UNESCO School on Generalized Nash equilibrium, Delhi (India)
(sources: )

We are please to announce the organization of a CIMPA School on
Generalized Nash
equilibrium, bilivel programing and MPEC. It will be held at Univ. of
Delhi, India, from
November 25 to December 06, 2013.

The courses will focuse on the following topics:
* Didier Aussel (Univ. of Perpignan, France) - Generalized Nash
Equilibrium Problem:
existence, uniqueness and reformulations
* Jonathan Borwein (Univ. of Newcattle, Australia) - Introduction to
variational analysis
* Stephen Dempe (TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany) - Bilevel Programming:
Existence of optimal solutions and optimality conditions
* Joydeep Dutta (IIT Kanpur, India) - Introduction to Bilevel
Programming and MPE
* Francisco Facchinei (Univ. Sapianza, Roma, Italy) - Numerical analysis
of Generalized
Nash equilibrium
* Ren� Henrion (Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and
Stochastics, Berlin, Germany)
Dual optimality conditions for MPECs
* Alejandro Jofre (CMM, Santiago, Chile) - GNE/MPEC in Electricity Markets

In addition, the school will include a sessions where participants can
present posters
and demos of their own research.

For more information, please visit :


15- Premi�re conf�rence franco-allemande sur le traitement math�matique
des images
(sources: D. Aussel)

La premi�re conf�rence franco-allemande sur le traitement math�matique
des images se tiendra

du 13 au 15 Janvier 2014 � l'IHP � Paris.

Voir https://fadili.users.greyc.fr/mia/events/fgmia-14/ pour tous les

Je voudrais attirer votre attention sur le fait que l'inscription � la
conf�rence est gratuite mais

obligatoire avant le 31 Octobre 2013.


16- Winter Scool on Calc Var. in Physics and Materials Science, Univ.
(sources: M. Th�ra)

We would like to announce the Winter Scool on Calc Var. in Physics and
Materials Science,
which will be held in W�rzburg, Germany, between February 10 and 14, 2014.

Speakers: G. Dal Maso, M. Peletier, M.G. Westdickenber

The school is open to scientists and students interested in the Calculus
of Variations and
its applications. In particular we encourage Master and PhD students to
Information about topics, location, fee, deadlines, financial support,
and application can
be found on our website

The organizers Anja Schl�merkemper and Giuliano Lazzaroni


17- SIAM Conference on Optimization (OP14)
(sources: M. Th�ra)

Town and Country Resort & Convention Center, San Diego, California, USA

May 19-22, 2014

Miguel F. Anjos, Polytechnique Montreal, Canada
Michael Jeremy Todd, Cornell University, USA

The Call for Presentations is available at:

October 21, 2013:  Minisymposium proposals
November 18, 2013: Abstracts for contributed and minisymposium speakers
November 4, 2013: SIAM Student Travel Award and Post-doc/Early Career
Travel Award Applications

For additional information, contact the SIAM Conference Department
(_meetings at siam.org_ <mailto:meetings at siam.org>).


Thierry Champion

Laboratoire Imath -- Universit� du Sud Toulon-Var
page personnelle: http://champion.univ-tln.fr

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