[CvGmt News] CVGMT: weekly bulletin

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Fri Nov 15 12:00:02 CET 2013

Subject: CVGMT weekly bulletin

Weekly bulletin of http://cvgmt.sns.it/

--- Summary ---

* Seminars by: Teplitskaya
* New papers by: Giacomelli, Knees, Mingione, Rossi, Westdickenberg, Santambrogio, Rizzi, Pegon, Silveira, Sedjro, Piazzoli, Daneri, Lemenant, Zanini, Mucci, Bianchini, Cavalletti, Agrachev, Kuusi
* Modified papers by: Mitake, De Pauw, Millot, Baroni, Mingione, Toader, Cagnetti, Gomes, Tran, Velichkov, Kuusi, Spadaro, Lemenant, Mucci, De Lellis, Acerbi, Scardia

--- Seminars next week ---

* Wednesday 20 nov 2013
time: 17:00
Aula Seminari - Department of Mathematics, University of Pisa

An example of an infinite Steiner tree connecting an uncountable set
Yana Teplitskaya 

Abstract. We construct an example of a Steiner tree with an infinite number of branching points connecting an uncountable set of points. Such a tree is proven to be a unique solution to a Steiner problem for the given set of points. As a byproduct we get the whole family of explicitly defined finite Steiner trees, which are unique connected solutions of the Steiner problem for some given finite sets of points, and with growing complexity (i.e. the number of branching points)

--- New Papers ---

* Bianchini, Daneri: On Sudakov's type decomposition of transference plans with norm costs

* Kuusi, Mingione: A nonlinear Stein theorem

* Mucci: A structure property of ``vertical" integral currents, with an application to the distributional determinant

* Giacomelli: Finite speed of propagation and waiting-time phenomena for degenerate parabolic equations with linear growth Lagrangian

* Agrachev, Rizzi, Silveira: On conjugate times of LQ optimal control problems

* Lemenant, Santambrogio: A Modica-Mortola approximation for the Steiner Problem

* Cavalletti, Sedjro, Westdickenberg: A Simple Proof of Global Existence for the 1D Pressureless Gas Dynamics Equations

* Pegon, Piazzoli, Santambrogio: Full characterization of optimal transport plans for concave costs

* Knees, Rossi, Zanini: A quasilinear differential inclusion for  viscous and rate-independent damage systems in non-smooth domains

--- Modified Papers ---

* Cagnetti: k-Quasiconvexity Reduces to Quasiconvexity

* Cagnetti, Gomes, Tran: Aubry-Mather Measures in the Non Convex setting

* Cagnetti, Gomes, Tran: Convergence of a semi-discretization scheme for the Hamilton-Jacobi equation: a new approach with the adjoint method

* Cagnetti, Toader: Quasistatic crack evolution for a cohesive zone model  with different response to loading and unloading: a Young measures approach

* Cagnetti, Scardia: An extension theorem in $SBV$ and an application to the homogenization of the Mumford-Shah functional in perforated domains

* Cagnetti, Gomes, Tran: Adjoint Methods for Obstacle Problems and Weakly Coupled Systems of PDE

* Cagnetti: A vanishing viscosity approach to fracture growth in a cohesive zone model with prescribed crack path

* Cagnetti, Gomes, Mitake, Tran: A new method for large time behavior of degenerate viscous Hamilton-Jacobi equations  with convex Hamiltonians

* Mucci: Graphs of vector valued maps: decomposition of the boundary

* Kuusi, Mingione: Nonlinear potential estimates in parabolic problems

* Acerbi, Mucci: Graphs of maps between manifolds in trace spaces and with vanishing mean oscillation

* Kuusi, Mingione: Riesz potentials and nonlinear parabolic equations

* De Lellis, Spadaro: Regularity of area-minimizing currents I: $L^p$ gradient estimates

* Velichkov: A note on the monotonicity formula of Caffarelli-Jerison-Kenig

* De Pauw, Lemenant, Millot: On sets minimizing their weighted length in uniformly convex separable Banach spaces

* Baroni: Lorentz estimates for obstacle parabolic problems

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