[CvGmt News] CVGMT: weekly bulletin

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Fri Nov 1 12:00:01 CET 2013

Subject: CVGMT weekly bulletin

Weekly bulletin of http://cvgmt.sns.it/

--- Summary ---

* Seminars by: Masnou
* New papers by: Goldman, Mondino, Braides, Mennucci, Ruffini, Velichkov, Novaga, Laurain
* Modified papers by: Vittone, Mazzieri, Catino, Marchese, Treu, Mennucci, Lorent, Pinamonti, De Philippis, Valdinoci, Mongodi, Figalli, Serra Cassano

--- Seminars next week ---

* Thursday 7 nov 2013
time: 17:00
Aula Seminari - Department of Mathematics, University of Pisa

Variational approximation of the Willmore functional and flow
Simon Masnou (Institut Camille Jordan, Univ. Lyon 1)

Abstract. The talk will be devoted to phase-field approximations of the Willmore functional and the associated L2-flow. After introducing the various approximations that have been proposed in the literature, I will discuss the asymptotic behavior of the associated flows, and the connection with the continuous Willmore flow. A convergent scheme will be proposed for simulating two of these flows, and their behavior will be illustrated on 2D and 3D examples, in both smooth and singular situations.

--- New Papers ---

* Laurain, Mondino: Concentration of small Willmore spheres  in Riemannian 3-manifolds

* Mennucci: Geodesics in asymmetric metric spaces

* Braides: An example of non-existence of plane-like minimizers for an almost-periodic Ising system

* Velichkov: A note on the monotonicity formula of Caffarelli-Jerison-Kenig

* Goldman, Novaga, Ruffini: Existence and stability for a non-local isoperimetric model of charged liquid drops

--- Modified Papers ---

* Mennucci: On asymmetric distances

* Pinamonti, Valdinoci: A Lewy-Stampacchia Estimate for variational inequalities in the Heisenberg group

* De Philippis, Figalli: Optimal regularity of the convex envelope

* Lorent: Differential inclusions, non-absolutely convergent integrals and the first theorem of complex analysis

* Pinamonti, Serra Cassano, Treu, Vittone: BV Minimizers of the area functional in the Heisenberg group under the bounded slope condition

* Catino, Mazzieri, Mongodi: Rigidity of gradient Einstein shrinkers

* Marchese: On a conjecture by B.White about the building dimension of closed cones

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