[CvGmt News] CVGMT: weekly bulletin

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Fri May 31 12:00:02 CEST 2013

Subject: CVGMT weekly bulletin

Weekly bulletin of http://cvgmt.sns.it/

--- Summary ---

* Events: Introduction to Optimal Transportation Theory and Applications.
* New papers by: Ambrosio, Peletier, Feng, Rajala, Bourne, Jerison, Figalli
* Modified papers by: Carlotto, Massaccesi, Ambrosio, Mondino, Mantegazza, Beck, Riviere, Fragal?, De Lellis, Frehse, Stroffolini, Schmidt

--- Events ---

Introduction to Optimal Transportation Theory and Applications.
Monday 8 apr 2013 -- Sunday 30 jun 2013
Dipartimento di Matematica, Universit? di Pisa

Nei mesi di Aprile, Maggio e Giugno si svolgera' il corso per il dottorato:

Introduction to Optimal Transportation Theory and Applications

per un totale di 30 ore.
In allegato troverete una presentazione (in formato pdf) pi? dettagliata.

Scopo del corso `e illustrare agli studenti le nozioni di base che hanno reso la teoria del trasporto ottimale estremamente importante nell?analisi degli ultimi 20 anni. Il corso, pur essendo destinato a studenti con una
predilezione per l?analisi, il calcolo delle probabilita` o la geometria,sar\`a accessibile a tutti gli studenti.

Gli studenti interessati possono anche inviare un email all'indirizzo
depascal at dm.unipi.it

Per le prime settimane l'orario sar? il seguente:

Aula 1 (Matematica)

Lun  8 apr Ore 11-13
Mar  9 apr Ore 11-13
Gio 11 apr Ore 14-16

Lun 15 apr Ore 11-13
Mar 16 apr Ore 11-13
Gio 18 apr Ore 14-16

--- New Papers ---

* Bourne, Peletier: Crystallization in Block Copolymer Melts with a Dominant Phase

* Rajala: Failure of the local-to-global property for $CD(K,N)$ spaces

* Figalli, Jerison: How to recognize convexity of a set from its marginals

* Ambrosio, Feng: On a class of first order Hamilton-Jacobi equations in metric spaces

--- Modified Papers ---

* Fragal?, Mantegazza: On some Notions of Tangent Space to a Measure

* Beck: Boundary regularity results for variational integrals

* Beck: Boundary regularity for elliptic systems under a natural growth condition

* Ambrosio, Carlotto, Massaccesi: Lecture Notes on Partial Differential Equations

* Ambrosio, Mantegazza: Curvature and Distance Function from a Manifold

* Beck, Stroffolini: Regularity results for differential forms solving degenerate elliptic systems

* Ambrosio, De Lellis, Mantegazza: Line Energies for Gradient Vector Fields in the Plane

* Mantegazza: Curvature Varifolds with Boundary

* Beck, Frehse: Regular and irregular solutions for a class of elliptic systems in the critical dimension

* Mondino, Riviere: Immersed Spheres of Finite Total Curvature into Manifolds

* Schmidt: Strict interior approximation of sets of finite perimeter and functions of bounded variation

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