[CvGmt News] CVGMT: weekly bulletin

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Fri Sep 14 12:00:01 CEST 2012

Subject: CVGMT weekly bulletin

Weekly bulletin of http://cvgmt.sns.it/

--- Summary ---

* New papers by: Zanini, Mora Corral, Brasco, Pratelli, Morgan, Negri, Cabr?, Franzina, Spinolo, Cinti, Milakis, Lemenant
* Modified papers by: Barles, Ansini, Brasco, Briani, Carlier, Mennucci, Ruffini, Zeppieri, De Philippis, Harms, Chasseigne , Scardia

--- New Papers ---

* Brasco, Franzina: An anisotropic eigenvalue problem of Stekloff type and weighted Wulff inequalities

* Lemenant, Milakis, Spinolo: On the extension property of Reifenberg-flat domains

* Lemenant, Milakis, Spinolo: Spectral Stability Estimates for the Dirichlet and Neumann Laplacian in rough domains

* Mora Corral, Pratelli: Approximation of piecewise affine homeomorphisms by diffeomorphisms

* Morgan, Pratelli: Existence of isoperimetric regions in $\mathbb R^n$ with density

* Cinti, Pratelli: The $\varepsilon-\varepsilon^\beta$ property, the boundedness of isoperimetric sets in $\mathbb R^N$ with density, and some applications

* Cabr?, Cinti: Energy estimates and 1-D symmetry for nonlinear equations involving the half-Laplacian

* Cabr?, Cinti: Sharp energy estimates for nonlinear fractional diffusion equations

* Cinti: Saddle-shaped solutions of bistable elliptic equations involving the half-Laplacian

* Negri, Zanini:  From finite to linear elastic fracture mechanics by scaling

--- Modified Papers ---

* Harms, Mennucci: Geodesics in infinite dimensional Stiefel and Grassmann manifolds

* Ansini, Zeppieri: Asymptotic analysis of non symmetric linear operators via Gamma-convergence

* Scardia, Zeppieri: Line-tension model for plasticity as the $\Gamma$-limit of a nonlinear dislocation energy

* Brasco, De Philippis, Ruffini: Spectral optimization for the Stekloff--Laplacian: the stability issue

* Barles, Briani, Chasseigne : A Bellman approach for two-domains optimal control problems in $R^N$. 

* Brasco, Carlier: On certain anisotropic elliptic equations arising in congested optimal transport: local gradient bounds

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