[CvGmt News] [Fwd: Lettre MODE -- bonne rentr�e]

buttazzo at dm.unipi.it buttazzo at dm.unipi.it
Tue Sep 11 19:48:20 CEST 2012

-------------------------- Messaggio originale ---------------------------
Oggetto: Lettre MODE -- bonne rentr�e
Da:      "Thierry Champion" <champion at univ-tln.fr>
Data:    Mar, 11 Settembre 2012 19:13
A:       lettre-mode-smai at emath.fr

Lettre MODE
septembre 2012

Envoyez vos contributions en format simple texte �
champion at univ-tln.fr avant la fin du mois.

Pri�re d'indiquer "pour la lettre MODE" dans l'objet.

L'inscription et la d�sinscription automatiques se font en �crivant �
lettre-mode-smai-request at emath.fr
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Vous pouvez �galement retrouver les lettres MODE sur le site :


Table des mati�res

-- Th�ses et Postes
1- Offre th�se Grenoble
2- Two post-doctoral positions are open at INRIA Sophia Antipolis
3- PostDoc in Numerical Optimal Control
4- Post doc position at University of Milano Bicocca
5- Post-doc position at Oregon State University
6- Poste ouvert en optimisation a�rodynamique � Snecma groupe Safran
7- ARC early career fellowships

-- Conf�rences et �v�nements
8- Annonces de s�minaires
9- Topics in Calculus od Variations and Applications
10- Workshop on Optimization for Smart Cities and related applications
11- Workshop on Nonlinear Optimization and Constraint Programming
12- Conference on Operations Research and Optimization (Tehran, Iran)
13- WCSMO10 : session on deterministic global optimization

-- Autres annonces
14- The 2011 Charles Broyden Prize
15- Nouveau S�minaire de site � Toulouse d�di� � l'optimisation
16- Publication de notes de cours M2 - Analyse variationnelle


1- Offre th�se Grenoble
(source: A. Rondepierre)

Cette th�se porte sur le d�veloppement de techniques pour la synth�se
de strat�gies de contr�le dans les b�timents efficaces
aussi connus sous le nom de b�timents verts. Ce probl�me est complexe
de par l'h�t�rog�n�it� des syst�mes consid�r�s et de par
les exigences
en termes de performance, d'adaptabilit�, de robustesse, de
et de passage � l'�chelle. Des �tudes r�centes ont montr�s que
des gains
�nerg�tiques pouvant aller jusqu'� 20% peuvent �tre obtennus
gr�ce �
une approche globale du contr�le de tels syst�mes.

Le travail th�orique de cette th�se se situera dans le cadre
des syst�mes hybrides (syst�mes dynamiques exhibant � la fois des
comportements discrets et continus), seuls � m�me de retranscrire
l'h�t�rog�n�it� des ph�nom�nes en jeu. Le contr�le des
syst�mes hybrides
requi�rent g�n�ralement le d�veloppement de techniques sp�cifiques
combinant des id�es des th�ories des syst�mes dynamiques discrets et
continus. La complexit� induite par l'interaction entre les dynamiques
discr�tes et continues rend difficile l'obtention de r�sultats
Pour cette raison, le contr�le des syst�mes hybrides est souvent abord�
par des m�thodes computationnelles intensives. Les contributions
principales de cette th�se r�sideront dans le d�veloppement de nouveaux
algorithmes efficaces, bas�s sur la notion de mod�les symboliques
discrets approchant la dynamique d'un syst�me hybride), pour la synth�se
de contr�leurs robustes et d�centralis�s. Une �valuation des
d�velopp�es dans le contexte de la gestion de l'�nergie dans les
intelligents sera r�alis�e gr�ce � l'utilisation d'une plate-forme
disponible � l'Universit� de Grenoble.

Profil souhait�:

Le candidat doit �tre titulaire d'un master en math�matiques appliqu�es
ou en
automatique. Il doit avoir le go�t du travail pluri-disciplinaire.
Dossier de candidature (CV, m�moire de master, relev�s de notes,
lettres de
recommendation) � envoyer au format pdf par email �
Antoine.Girard at imag.fr


2- Two post-doctoral positions are open at INRIA Sophia Antipolis
(source: A. Habbal)

Two post-doctoral positions are open at INRIA Sophia Antipolis,
12 months from 01/10/2012.
More details are provided in our website below :

  1. Efficient Computational Tools to Solve Concurrent Optimization of
in Stamping

  2. Investigating Stochastic Sensitivity to Solve Multidisciplinary
Shape Optimization
in Stamping

Contact: habbal at unice.fr


3- PostDoc in Numerical Optimal Control
(source: F. Bonnans, P. Martinon)

We have an open post-doc position on numerical optimal control:


Note that there is some flexibility on the subject.

Please give the information to the potential candidates.

The net salary is 2 138.28 euros / month.


4- Post doc position at University of Milano Bicocca
(source: M. Th�ra)

We advertise a call for a two year senior post doc position at the
of Mathematics of the University of Milano Bicocca.
The candidate we are looking for is a young scientist with a leading
position in
her/his field of expertise, who can give a strong impulse to researches
presently carried on in the Department or help to open new ones.

Applications from any area of Mathematics are encouraged. The selection will
be done on the basis of the interest of the proposal and of the previous
achievements of the candidate.

The gross salary will be in the range from 33.000 to 38.000 euro per year,
and will be a matter of negotiation. No teaching duties are required to the
applicant, except for a PhD course (of approximately 40 hours) per year.
The renewal of the grant for the second year is subordinate to the approval
of the first year activities by a committee to be appointed by the

Interested researchers should send by e-mail their CV, together with a
research statement to the secretary of the Director,
(iside.marconi at unimib.it <mailto:iside.marconi at unimib.it>),
before November 30, 2012. Also, they should arrange for two reference
to be sent to the same address still by November 30, 2012.

The proposals will be reviewed by a specially appointed committee in January
2013, and the call for the position will be issued by the Department at the
beginning of February 2013. The grant is expected to start on September 1,


5- Post-doc position at Oregon State University
(source: M. Th�ra)

A post-doc position is available, pending final approval from the
funding agency, starting Oct 1 or later in the Department of
Mathematics at Oregon State University. The fixed-term annual position
is 50% teaching (5 mathematics courses per year in a quarter system)
and 50% research, and is expected to be renewable for a second year,
assuming satisfactory progress.

The research component would be dedicated to a project related to
uncertainty quantification in reservoir-river network systems
including optimization/optimal control under uncertainty and high
performance computing. More details available upon request.

Previous experience on at least some aspect of the research topic of
the project is desired; a firm mathematical and computing background
is expected.  Ability to work well with an interdisciplinary team of
students, post-docs and faculty is required.  The successful candidate
should have strong accomplishments or promise in both research and
teaching. A Ph.D. in mathematics is required by the time of

Those interested in applying for the position should send, via email,
a pdf of their CV, statement of teaching objectives, and contact
information for three references (one teaching) sent to Nathan Gibson
(gibsonn at math.oregonstate.edu <mailto:gibsonn at math.oregonstate.edu>).
Only materials submitted in this
electronic manner will be considered. Applications will be considered
until the position is filled.

OSU is an AA/EOE and actively seeks diversity among its employees and
encourages applications from women and minorities.


6- Poste ouvert en optimisation a�rodynamique � Snecma groupe Safran
(source: M. Mongeau)

Description du poste :

Ing�nieur M�thodes et Recherche  A�rodynamiques � Optimisation �

Dans un contexte de d�veloppement d'avantages concurrentiels, performance
produit et r�duction de cycles de conception, le d�partement �
M�thodes et
Outils de d�veloppement � recrute un Ing�nieur M�thodes et
Recherche, dont
les missions consisteront au d�veloppement des m�thodologies et logiciels
d'optimisation en conception a�rodynamique des turbomachines.

En interaction forte avec les directions clientes et dans le cadre de
projets de
d�veloppements innovants de turbomachines, vos principales
sont les suivantes :
- Comprendre, analyser et sp�cifier les besoins en optimisation
remont�s par
les bureaux d'�tudes pour l'a�rodynamique en lien avec les autres
- D�finir les strat�gies d'optimisation (technique math�matiques,
influents, outils, algorithmes) les mieux adapt�es aux probl�matiques,
- D�velopper des outils novateurs de calcul scientifique et r�aliser les
- Assurer le transfert de technologie et d'expertise aupr�s des
- Capitaliser les r�alisations dans la cr�ation et mise � jour de
de mod�lisation,
- Contribuer � la valorisation en interne et externe des r�sultats des
de recherche

De formation sup�rieure g�n�raliste, �cole d'ing�nieur ou Master
, vous
id�alement une sp�cialisation et un doctorat dans les domaines des
appliqu�es, de l'analyse num�rique et de l'optimisation.

Vous appr�ciez de d�velopper des outils scientifiques. Vous �tes
rigoureux et aimez
approfondir les probl�matiques afin de proposer des solutions
pertinentes et innovantes.
Vous poss�dez des aptitudes � la conduite de projet, au pilotage de
prestation et au
travail en �quipe. Votre �coute et votre force de conviction f�d�rent
vos interlocuteurs
autour de vos id�es.

Contacter :

Direction Technique et R&T - Chef de d�partement "M�thodologies et
outils de d�veloppement"
T�l : +33 (0)1 60 59 94 25
mathieu.dakowski at snecma.fr <mailto:mathieu.dakowski at snecma.fr>
Etablissement de Villaroche
Rond-point Ren� Ravaud - R�au
77550 Moissy-Cramayel


7- ARC early career fellowships
(source: M. Th�ra)

if you know a fine mathematician who graduated with a phd between 2007
and the end of 2011, this is a wonderful opportunity to tell them our
ARC early
career fellowships, at http://www.arc.gov.au/ncgp/decra.htm.
We have funds in Newcastle to bring potential applicants to visit in the
next few
Cheers, Jon BORWEIN
Attached message : The Faculty Research & Research Training (FRRTC) has some
funds available in the research budget and we are making a final call
for submission
for the two schemes listed below:
* Early Career Researcher (ECR) Visiting Fellowship
* Strategic Initiative Research Funds (SIRF)
Please refer to the 'Guidelines' and 'Application Forms'
that are downloadable from
the Faculty Research Staff Support Schemes web site at:
It is important to note that funds allocated would have to be fully
committed and
spent by the 31st October 2012.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any further queries.
Lina Bozinovska
Lina.Bozinovska at newcastle.edu.au <mailto:Lina.Bozinovska at newcastle.edu.au>


8- Annonces de s�minaires
(sources: P.L. Combettes, J.B. Hiriart-Urruty)

Une rubrique pour signaler succinctement les s�minaires ayant
lieu ce mois-ci et organis�s dans nos laboratoires.
N'h�sitez pas � l'alimenter, pr�f�rentiellement via un lien vers
la page du s�minaire et une liste de conf�renciers,

S�minaire Parisien d'Optimisation (EXCEPTIONNELLEMENT Jussieu salle 309
barre 15-16)


Lundi 17 septembre
15h00 : R.T. Rockafellar
16h15 : M. Quincampoix
S�minaire Pluridisciplinaire d'Optimisation de Toulouse (Amphith��tre
des Th�ses de l'ENSEEIHT)


Lundi 1er octobre
14h00 : Y. Nesterov
15h00 : J.B. Hiriart-Urruty


9- Topics in Calculus od Variations and Applications
(source: M. Th�ra)

We are organizing a school in Calculus of Variations and Applications in
Parma, Italy, in the period October 1-4, 2012: PhD students, PostDocs and
researchers of all ages are welcome to attend! The location is at the Math
Department of the University of Parma.

The speakers will be Nicola Fusco, Marcello Ponsiglione and Yannick Sire.
For a more detailed program and some basic information, see

Please do not hesitate to contact us if further information is needed.

Agnese Di Castro, Massimiliano Morini and Giampiero Palatucci


10- Workshop on Optimization for Smart Cities and related applications
(source: D. Aussel)


To be held in within the 18th International Conference on Principles
and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2012) Quebec City, Canada.

Municipal leaders who run the complex network of diverse people,
expected services and aging infrastructure are on a constant search
for more efficient ways to analyze data, anticipate problems and
coordinate resources in their cities. Developing methods for
fulfilling such a need involves, among other things, data analytics
and intelligent sensor dissemination, modeling human demands and
operations and planning, often under uncertainty.

We invite submissions of a short abstract (not more than 4000
characters) describing original work on applications of methods, with
special emphasis on optimization, for "making our cities smarter".
Techniques and applications of interest include (but are not limited
to): Constraint Programming; Mathematical Programming; Hybrid
algorithms; Interconnection between Simulation and Optimization;
Intelligent transportation systems; Electric mobility; Smart grids;
Waste management; Urban planning; Natural resources management; Data
analytics; and Modeling human demands.

Note that registration at the CP2012 conference is necessary to attend
and present at the workshop. Abstracts can be submitted by email to
Andrea Lodi atandrea.lodi at unibo.it  .

September 15, 2012: Abstract submission due
October 8, 2012: Workshop


11- Workshop on Nonlinear Optimization and Constraint Programming
(source: D. Aussel)

To be held in conjunction with the
18th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint
Programming (CP 2012), Quebec City, Canada

This workshop has the purpose of bringing together scholars that work
on nonlinear optimization, in particular Mixed Integer Nonlinear
Programming (MINLP) problems, which combine nonlinear constraints with
integrality on one or more variables. MINLP and Constraint Programming
(CP) have a significant overlap of techniques, ranging from domain
reduction to implicit enumeration techniques to heuristic algorithms
for finding good feasible solutions.  The workshop aims at attracting
both CP and MINLP practitioners to discuss new developments. It is
motivated by recent exciting results in both disciplines.

Invited speakers: Katya Scheinberg and Pascal Van Hentenryck

We encourage the submission of new challenging problems, especially
those that are not available in online libraries such as minlp.org,
GlobalLib, and MinlpLib. Note that registration at the CP2012
conference is necessary to attend and present at the workshop.

Abstracts can be submitted to Pietro Belotti atpbelott at clemson.edu

September 15, 2012: Abstract submission due (deadline extended)
October 8, 2012: Workshop

Program Committee: Andrea Lodi and Pietro Belotti


12- Conference on Operations Research and Optimization (Tehran, Iran)
(source: D. Aussel, M. Th�ra)

I am pleased to inform you that the Second International Conference on
Research and Optimization (ORO2013) will be held on January 19-22, 2013
at the
School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, University of
Tehran, Iran.

Also, a short course on vector optimization will be held during January
12-17, 2013
at the School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science,
University of Tehran,
Tehran, Iran. Professor Dinh The Luc (Universite d'Avignon, France) will
teach this

The website of this event is:


Boris Mordukhovich
Chair, WGGC


13- WCSMO10 : session on deterministic global optimization
(source: S. Jan)

I am organizing a session on continuous deterministic global optimization
at the next conference of the International Society for Structural and
Multidisciplinary Optimization (WCSMO10).

A list of expected contributions for this session is included at the end
of this
message. General information about the conference can be found on the
conference web site ( http://conferences.dce.ufl.edu/wcsmo-10 ).

The conference is taking place in Orlando, Florida, from May 19 to 24, 2013.
The 500 words abstract submission deadline is January 15, 2013.

TOPICS of the continuous global deterministic optimization session at

Submissions may concern theories, methods, algorithms, and applications.
The following topics are targeted :
* Metamodels for global optimization (kriging, radial basis functions,
trees, support vector regression, ...), Bayesian optimization, EGO, ... .
* Pattern search methods, simplex methods.
* Global optimization based on local search methods (iteratively modified
formulations such as TRUST, tunnels, ...).
* Deterministic design of experiments for global optimization, space filling
design of experiments (e.g., DIRECT, ...).
* Parallelized or distributed algorithms for deterministic global
* Applications of global deterministic optimization algorithms to design for
structural, fluids, thermal, electrical, magnetic, manufacturing, or other
multidisciplinary performances.
* Applications of global deterministic optimization algorithms to inverse
problem solving in structural and multidisciplinary modeling.

Rodolphe Le Riche
CNRS Permanent Research Associate, HDR
Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne
158, cours Fauriel,
42023 Saint-Etienne cedex 2 - France
(office 525, Espace Fauriel)
Tel : (33) (0) 477420023
Fax : (33) (0) 477426666
leriche at emse.fr http://www.emse.fr/~leriche


14- The 2011 Charles Broyden Prize
(source: M. Th�ra)

The Charles Broyden prize for the best paper published in Optimization
Methods and Software in 2011 was awarded to the paper:

"Projection methods for conic feasibility problems: applications to
polynomial sum-of-squares decompositions"
by Didier Henrion and Jerome Malick

that appeared in volume 26 of the journal on pages 23-46.

The award was established by the Optimization Methods and Software
Editorial Board and Taylor & Francis in 2009, with a cash prize of �500.

The paper will be freely available for download from


until the end of 2012.

The Broyden Prize Committee:
Frederic Bonnans, Michael Ferris (chair), Masao Fukushima,
Nickolaos Sahinidis and Yinyu Ye.


15- Nouveau S�minaire de site � Toulouse d�di� � l'optimisation
(source: J.-B. Hiriart-Urruty)

Un nouveau s�minaire, de site, est lanc� � la rentr�e � Toulouse,
le SPOT (S�minaire Pluridisciplinaire d'Optimisation de Toulouse).
Sur le mod�le du FIOS (Fields Institute Optimization Seminar) de Toronto
ou du SPO (S�minaire Parisien d'Optimisation) � l'IHP de Paris,
il est organis� une fois par mois, et comporte deux expos�s de
nature diff�rente. Un lieu central a �t� choisi pour cela :
l'amphith��tre des (SPOT-)Th�ses de l'ENSEEIHT,
26 rue Pierre-Paul Riquet, 31000 Toulouse.

SPOT 1 est programm� pour le lundi 1er octobre 2012 apr�s-midi, avec
un premier expos�, � 14h : "Optimization in relative scale"
par Yurii NESTEROV (CORE, Universit� Catholique de Louvain, Belgique)
et un deuxi�me expos�, � 15h : "A variational approach of the rank
function" par Jean-Baptiste HIRIART-URRUTY (IMT, Universit� Paul Sabatier
de Toulouse, France).

Pour plus de d�tails, voir le site web de SPOT :

Ce s�minaire est �galement indiqu� � l'onglet "s�minaire"


16- Publication de notes de cours M2 - Analyse variationnelle
(source: J.-B. Hiriart-Urruty)

Bases, outils et principes pour l'analyse variationnelle

S�rie Math�matiques et Applications, SMAI-Springer (septembre 2012),
175 pages, 46 euros environ.

Il s'agit de notes de Cours, niveau master 2 Recherche.

L'�tude math�matique des probl�mes d'optimisation, ou de ceux dits
de mani�re g�n�rale (c'est-�-dire, � toute situation o� il y a
chose � minimiser
sous des contraintes �), requiert en pr�alable qu'on en ma�trise les
bases, les outils
fondamentaux et quelques principes. Le pr�sent ouvrage est un cours
r�pondant en
partie � cette demande, il est principalement destin� � des
�tudiants de
Master en
formation, et restreint � l'essentiel.
Sont abord�s successivement : La semicontinuit� inf�rieure, les
topologies faibles, les
r�sultats fondamentaux d'existence en optimisation ; Les conditions
approch�e ; Des d�veloppements sur la projection sur un convexe ferm�,
sur un c�ne convexe ferm� ; L'analyse convexe dans son r�le
op�ratoire ;
sch�mas de dualisation dans des probl�mes d'optimisation non convexe
structur�s ;
Une introduction aux sous-diff�rentiels g�n�ralis�s de fonctions non


Thierry Champion
Laboratoire Imath -- Universit� du Sud Toulon-Var
page personnelle: http://champion.univ-tln.fr

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