[CvGmt News] CVGMT: weekly bulletin

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Fri Oct 5 12:00:02 CEST 2012

Subject: CVGMT weekly bulletin

Weekly bulletin of http://cvgmt.sns.it/

--- Summary ---

* New papers by: Giacomelli, Duzaar, Franzina, Buttazzo, Zhong, Maz?n, Moll, De Pascale, De Philippis, Kuusi, Lindqvist, Baroni, Duzaar, Steffen, Champion, Zatorska-Goldstein, Lesesvre, Pegon, Habermann, Nardulli, Manfredi, Kristensen, Mingione, Mondino, Santambrogio, Velichkov, Esposito, Fusco, Acerbi, Carozza, Boegelein, Foss, Trombetti
* Modified papers by: Cesaroni, Gigli, Mazzieri, Mingione, Valdinoci, Mantegazza, Dipierro, Catino, Pinamonti, Maggi, Daneri, M?ller, Novaga, Palatucci, Duzaar, Figalli, Stepanov, Sobolevski

--- New Papers ---

* Baroni, Habermann: New gradient estimates for parabolic equations

* Baroni, Habermann: Calder?n-Zygmund estimates for parabolic measure data equations

* Kuusi, Mingione: Linear potentials in nonlinear potential theory

* Kuusi, Mingione: Potential estimates and gradient boundedness for nonlinear parabolic systems

* Kuusi, Mingione: Universal potential estimates

* Kuusi, Mingione: New perturbation methods for nonlinear parabolic systems

* Duzaar, Mingione: Gradient estimates via linear and nonlinear potential

* Mingione: Gradient potential estimates

* Mingione: Gradient estimates below the duality exponent

* Boegelein, Foss, Mingione: Regularity in parabolic systems with continuous coefficients

* Duzaar, Mingione: Gradient continuity estimates

* Duzaar, Mingione, Steffen: Parabolic systems with polynomial growth and regularity

* Duzaar, Mingione: Gradient estimates via non-linear potentials

* Mingione: Nonlinear measure data problems

* Mingione: Nonlinear aspects of Calder?n-Zygmund theory

* Kristensen, Mingione: Boundary regularity in variational problems

* Kristensen, Mingione: Boundary regularity of minima

* Kristensen, Mingione: The singular set of Lipschitzian minima of multiple integrals

* Foss, Mingione: Partial continuity for elliptic problems

* Mingione, Zatorska-Goldstein, Zhong: Gradient regularity for elliptic equations in the Heisenberg group

* Kuusi, Mingione: Endpoint and intermediate potential estimates for nonlinear equations

* Duzaar, Mingione: Gradient estimates in non-linear potential theory

* Carozza, Fusco, Mingione: Partial regularity of minimizers of quasiconvex integrals with subquadratic growth

* Mingione: The Calder?n-Zygmund theory for elliptic problems with measure data

* Boegelein, Duzaar, Mingione:  Degenerate problems with irregular obstacles

* Boegelein, Duzaar, Mingione: The boundary regularity of non-linear parabolic systems I

* Boegelein, Duzaar, Mingione: The boundary regularity of non-linear parabolic systems II

* Manfredi, Mingione: Regularity results for quasilinear elliptic equations in the Heisenberg group

* Acerbi, Mingione: Gradient estimates for a class of parabolic systems

* Esposito, Mingione:  Relaxation results for higher order integrals below the natural growth exponent

* Mingione: Calder?n-Zygmund estimates for measure data problems

* Kuusi, Mingione: A surprising linear type estimate for nonlinear elliptic equations 

* Fusco, Mingione, Trombetti: Regularity of minimizers for a class of anisotropic free discontinuity problems

* Duzaar, Kristensen, Mingione: The existence of regular boundary points for non-linear elliptic systems

* Esposito, Mingione, Trombetti: On the Lipschitz regularity for certain elliptic problems

* Duzaar, Mingione: Regularity for Degenerate Elliptic Problems via p-harmonic Approximation

* Mingione: Singularities of minima: a walk on the wild side of the Calculus of Variations

* Mingione: Sketches of nonlinear Calder?n-Zygmund theory

* Kuusi, Mingione: Pointwise gradient estimates

* Duzaar, Mingione: Harmonic type approximation lemmas

* Esposito, Mingione: Partial regularity for minimizers of convex integrals with Llog L-growth

* Duzaar, Mingione:  Local Lipschitz regularity for degenerate elliptic systems

* Kuusi, Mingione: Nonlinear potential estimates in parabolic problems

* Esposito, Mingione: Partial regularity for minimizers of degenerate polyconvex energies

* Champion, De Pascale: On the twist condition and c-monotone transport plans

* Lesesvre, Pegon, Santambrogio: Optimal transportation with an oscillation-type cost: the one-dimensional case

* Nardulli: The isoperimetric profile of a noncompact Riemannian manifold for small volumes

* Mondino, Nardulli: Existence of isoperimetric regions in non-compact Riemannian manifolds under Ricci or scalar curvature conditions

* De Philippis: Regularity of optimal transport maps and applications

* Buttazzo, Velichkov: Shape optimization problems on metric measure spaces

* Franzina, Lindqvist: An eigenvalue problem with variable exponents

* Giacomelli, Maz?n, Moll: The 1-harmonic flow with values into a hyper-octant of the $N$-sphere

--- Modified Papers ---

* Catino, Mantegazza: The evolution of the Weyl Tensor under the Ricci Flow

* Duzaar, Mingione: The $p$-Harmonic Approximation and the Regularity of $p$-Harmonic Maps

* Mingione: Bounds for the singular set of solutions to non linear elliptic systems

* Daneri, Figalli: Variational models for the incompressible Euler equations

* Figalli, Maggi: On the isoperimetric problem for radial log-convex densities

* Novaga, Sobolevski, Stepanov: Droplet condensation and isoperimetric towers

* Dipierro, Palatucci, Valdinoci: Existence and symmetry results for a Schr?dinger type problem involving the fractional Laplacian

* Catino, Mantegazza, Mazzieri: A note on Codazzi Tensors

* Mantegazza, M?ller: Perelman's Entropy Functional at Type I Singularities of the Ricci Flow

* Cesaroni, Novaga, Pinamonti: One-dimensional symmetry for semilinear equations with unbounded drift

* Gigli, Mantegazza: A Flow Tangent to the Ricci Flow via Heat Kernels and Mass Transport

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