[CvGmt News] CVGMT weekly bulletin

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Fri Apr 13 12:00:02 CEST 2012

Weekly bulletin of http://cvgmt.sns.it/

--- Summary ---

* Seminars by: Pratelli
* New papers by: Ambrosio, Buttazzo, Catino, Solci, Dipierro, Neel, Braides, De Philippis, Valdinoci, Palatucci, Figalli, Barilari, Boscain
* Modified papers by: Palatucci, Figalli, Di Castro, De Philippis, Mantegazza

--- Seminars next week ---

* Wednesday 18 apr 2012
time: 17:00
Sala Seminari, Department of Mathematics, Pisa University

Existence and boundedness for minima of spectral problems
Aldo Pratelli (Dip. Mat. Univ. Pavia)

Abstract. In this talk we will speak about the existence of minimal sets for spectral problems. We will briefly recall the history of the problem, then focusing on some recent results. We will also discuss some related open problems. Joint work with Dario Mazzoleni.

--- New Papers ---

* Buttazzo: Evolution models for mass transportation problems

* Dipierro, Figalli, Palatucci, Valdinoci: Asymptotics of the $s$-perimeter as $s \searrow 0$

* De Philippis, Figalli: Optimal regularity of the convex envelope

* Ambrosio, Braides: Functionals defined on partitions of sets of finite perimeter, I: integral representation and $\Gamma$-convergence

* Ambrosio, Braides: Functionals defined on partitions of sets of finite perimeter, II: semicontinuity, relaxation and homogenization

* Braides, Solci: Multi-scale free-discontinuity problems with soft inclusions

* Catino: Critical metrics of the L^2-norm of the scalar curvature

* Barilari, Boscain, Neel: Small time heat kernel asymptotics at the sub-Riemannian cut locus

* Barilari: Trace heat kernel asymptotics in 3D contact sub-Riemannian geometry

--- Modified Papers ---

* Mantegazza: Lecture Notes on Mean Curvature Flow

* De Philippis, Figalli: $W^{2,1}$ regularity for solutions of the Monge-Ampère equation

* Di Castro, Palatucci: Nonlinear parabolic problems with lower order terms and related integral estimates

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