[CvGmt News] Seminari di Calcolo delle Variazioni e Analisi Geometrica

magnani at dm.unipi.it magnani at dm.unipi.it
Fri Apr 15 12:53:00 CEST 2011

Density results in Sobolev spaces between manifolds
Speaker: Pierre Bousquet (Universite` de Provence)
Seminari di Calcolo delle Variazioni e Analisi Geometrica
20 Apr 2011

   Dipartimento di Matematica - Sala Seminari - ore 18:00

   ABSTRACT: We consider the Sobolev space ''W^k,p(B^m,N)'', where N is a
   smooth compact manifold, ''k'' is a positive integer and ''p'' is a
   real number greater than or equal to one. We address the question
   whether ''C^infty(B^m,N)'' is strongly dense in ''W^k,p(B^m,N)''. This
   problem has been solved by Bethuel for ''k=1''. We generalize his
   result to any integer k. This is a joint work with Augusto Ponce and
   Jean Van Schaftingen.

You find this news in the cvgmt preprint server: http://cvgmt.sns.it/news/20110420a/

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