[CvGmt News] [Notiziario] [Settimanale] avvisi di seminari

Giulia Curciarello curciare at dm.unipi.it
Mon Dec 13 13:28:38 CET 2004

lunedi' 13-12-2004 (15:00) - Aula Fermi S.N.S.
Nicola Arcozzi :
Misure di Carleson e successioni interpolanti

lunedi' 13-12-2004 (15:00) - aula P del Polo Fibonacci
Andrei Volodin (Universita' di Regina-Canada) :
Legge dei Grandi Numeri e Convergenza Completa

The concept of complete convergence was introduced by Hsu and Robbins
(1947) as follows.  A sequence of random variables $\{U_n, n \geq 1\}$ is
said to converge completely to a constant $C$ if $\sum^\infty_{n=1}
P\{|U_n - C | > \epsilon\} < \infty$ for all $\epsilon > 0$.  In view
of the Borel-Cantelli lemma, this implies that $U_n \rightarrow C$
almost surely.   Hsu and Robbins  proved that the sequence of arithmetic
means of independent and identically distributed random variables
converges completely to the expected value if the variance of the
summands is
finite. We extend and generalize some recent results on complete
convergence  for arrays of rowwise independent real and Banach space valued
random variables.
In the main result, no assumptions are made concerning the existence of
expected values or absolute moments of the random variables and no
assumptions are made concerning the geometry of the underlying Banach
space.  Some well-known results from the literature are obtained easily as
corollaries.  The corresponding convergence rates are also established.

martedi' 14-12-2004 (15:00) - Sala Seminari
Akira Ushijima (Warwick) :
Generic fundamental polyhedra for Kleinian groups

Argomento: Geometria

mercoledi' 15-12-2004 (16:00) - Aula Magna
Boris Dubrovin (SISSA (Trieste)) :
Colloquium Dipartimento di Matematica: Frobenius manifolds and Hamiltonian
perturbations of hyperbolic PDEs

Argomento: Generic

giovedi' 16-12-2004 (17:00) - Sala Riunioni
Matyas Karadi :
The Wess-Zumino-Witten model on Random Regge surfaces

Argomento: Geometria

After introducing the notion of random Regge triangulations and the
Wess-Zumino-Witten model I will elucidate how it is possible to define
the latter on random Regge surface. Finally, I will comment on a possible
relationship of that with the Turaev-Viro model of three dimensional
quantum gravity.

giovedi' 16-12-2004 (11:00) - Sala Seminari
Akira Ushijima :
Hyperbolic spatial graphs arising from strongly invertible knots

Argomento: Geometria

giovedi' 16-12-2004 (11:00) - Aula P (Polo Fibonacci)
Andrei Volodin (Universita' di Regina-Canada) :
Teoremi Limite per il "bootstrap" dipendente della media

Let $\{X_n, n\ge 1\}$ be a sequence of random variables defined on a
probability space  $(\Omega, {\cal F}, P)$. Let $\{m(n), n\ge 1\}$ and
$\{k(n), n\ge 1\}$ be two sequences of positive integers such that for
all $n\ge 1: m(n)\le n k(n). $ For $\omega \in \Omega$ and $n \geq 1$,
the dependent bootstrap is defined as the sample of size $m(n)$, denoted
$\{\hat{X}^{(\omega)}_{n, j}, 1 \leq j \leq m(n)\}$, drawn
without replacement from the collection of $n k(n)$ items made up of
$k(n)$ copies each of the sample observations $X_1(\omega), \cdots,
X_n(\omega)$. Let $\overline{X}_n(\omega) = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{j=1}^n
X_j(\omega)$ denote the sample mean of $\{X_j(\omega), 1 \leq j \leq n\}$.
This dependent bootstrap procedure is proposed as a procedure to reduce
variation of estimators and to obtain better confidence intervals.

Giulia Curciarello
Segreteria Didattica
tel: 050-2213219
e-mail curciare at dm.unipi.it

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