Luigi De Pascale depascal at dm.unipi.it
Fri Aug 31 22:34:10 CEST 2001

MARTEDI' 4/9, ore 15, sala dei seminari
Akira Ushijima (Tokyo)

Some examples of the canonical decompositions of hyperbolic
3-manifolds with boundary

Abstract: In this talk we give some family of hyperbolic 3-manifolds
with totally geodesic boundary, and determine their canonical

MERCOLEDI' 5 settembre 2001
Sala delle Riunioni, ore 10
Karen YAGDJIAN (Erevan)
"Geometric optics for the nonlinear hyperbolic systems of Kirchhoff

GIOVEDI' 6/9, ore 15, sala dei seminari
Akira Ushijima (Tokyo)

A unified viewpoint about geometric objects in hyperbolic space
and the tilt formula.

Abstract: In this talk a unified expression of geometric objects in the
Minkowski space model of hyperbolic space is presented. Using this
expression we give a generalization of the so-called tilt formula,
defined by M. Sakuma and J. R. Weeks for determination of the canonical
decompositions of cusped hyperbolic manifolds. Some examples of using
this formula are also given.

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