Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory


Accepted Paper

Authors: J. Á. Jaramillo, E. Le Donne, T. Rajala
Title: Restricting open surjections
Journal: Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas
Year: 2018
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: K. Rajala, M. Romney
Title: Reciprocal lower bound on modulus of curve families in metric surfaces
Journal: Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math.
Year: 2018
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: S. Don, E. Le Donne, T. Moisala, D. Vittone
Title: A rectifiability result for finite-perimeter sets in Carnot groups
Journal: Indiana Univ. Math. J.
Year: 2019
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: E. Le Donne, D. Lučić, E. Pasqualetto
Title: Universal infinitesimal Hilbertianity of sub-Riemannian manifolds
Journal: Potential Analysis
Year: 2019
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: G. Antonelli, D. Di Donato, S. Don
Title: Distributional solutions of Burgers' type equations for intrinsic graphs in Carnot groups of step 2
Journal: Potential Analysis
Year: 2020
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: G. Antonelli, D. Di Donato, S. Don, E. Le Donne
Title: Characterizations of uniformly differentiable co-horizontal intrinsic graphs in Carnot groups
Journal: Annales de l'Institut Fourier
Year: 2020
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: G. Antonelli, E. Le Donne
Title: Pauls rectifiable and purely Pauls unrectifiable smooth hypersurfaces
Journal: Nonlinear Analysis
Year: 2020
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: G. Antonelli, E. Le Donne
Title: Polynomial and horizontally polynomial functions on Lie groups
Journal: Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata (1923 - )
Year: 2020
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: G. Antonelli, A. Merlo
Title: Intrinsically Lipschitz functions with normal targets in Carnot groups
Journal: Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math.
Year: 2020
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: G. Antonelli, A. Merlo
Title: On rectifiable measures in Carnot groups: existence of density
Journal: The Journal of Geometric Analysis
Year: 2020
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: G. Antonelli, E. Le Donne, S. Nicolussi Golo
Title: Lipschitz Carnot-Carathéodory structures and their limits
Journal: Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems
Year: 2021
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: G. Antonelli, A. Merlo
Title: On rectifiable measures in Carnot groups: representation
Journal: Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations
Year: 2021
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: G. Antonelli, A. Merlo
Title: Unextendable intrinsic Lipschitz curves
Journal: Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Classe di Scienze
Year: 2021
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: T. Moisala, E. Pasqualetto
Title: Direct limits of infinite-dimensional Carnot groups
Journal: Mathematica Scandinavica
Year: 2021
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: E. Hakavuori, V. Kivioja, T. Moisala, F. Tripaldi
Title: Gradings for nilpotent Lie algebras
Journal: Journal of Lie Theory
Year: 2022
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: E. Le Donne, G. Pallier, X. Xie
Title: Rough similarity of left-invariant Riemannian metrics on some Lie groups
Journal: Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics
Year: 2022
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: E. Le Donne, F. Tripaldi
Title: A Cornucopia of Carnot groups in Low Dimensions
Journal: Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces
Year: 2022
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: G. Antonelli, E. Le Donne, A. Merlo
Title: Carnot rectifiability and Alberti representations
Journal: Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society
Year: 2023
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Lecture Notes

Authors: E. Le Donne
Title: Lecture notes on sub-Riemannian geometry from the Lie group viewpoint
Year: 2021
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes


Authors: L. Dufloux, V. Suomala
Title: Projections of Poisson cut-outs in the Heisenberg group and the visual 3-sphere
Year: 2018
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: G. Pallier, Y. Qing
Title: Sublinear biLipschitz equivalence and sublinearly Morse boundaries
Year: 2022
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: G. Bellettini, S. Kholmatov, F. Almuratov
Title: Crystalline hexagonal curvature flow of networks: short-time, long-time and self-similar evolutions
Year: 2024
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: G. Bellettini, S. Kholmatov
Title: Minimizing movements for the generalized power mean curvature flow
Year: 2024
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: S. Kholmatov
Title: Consistency of minimizing movements with smooth mean curvature flow of droplets with prescribed contact-angle in $\mathbb R^3$
Year: 2024
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: S. Kholmatov
Title: Minimizing movements for forced anisotropic curvature flow of droplets
Year: 2024
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: S. Kholmatov
Title: On the minimality of the Winterbottom shape
Year: 2024
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: R. Luisto
Title: A Newman property for BLD-mappings
Year: 2017
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: R. Luisto, P. Pankka
Title: Stoïlow's theorem revisited
Year: 2017
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: R. Luisto, E. Prywes
Title: Characterization of branched covers with simplicial branch sets
Year: 2018
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: C. Bellettini, E. Le Donne
Title: Sets with constant normal in Carnot groups: properties and examples
Year: 2019
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: E. Le Donne, S. Nicolussi Golo
Title: Metric Lie groups admitting dilations
Year: 2019
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: E. Le Donne, R. Young
Title: Carnot rectifiability of sub-Riemannian manifolds with constant tangent
Year: 2019
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: E. Le Donne, R. Züst
Title: Space of signatures as inverse limits of Carnot groups
Year: 2019
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: A. Ardentov, G. Bor, E. Le Donne, R. Montgomery, Y. Sachkov
Title: Bicycle paths, elasticae and sub-Riemannian geometry
Year: 2020
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: E. Le Donne, T. Moisala
Title: Semigenerated step-3 Carnot algebras and applications to sub-Riemannian perimeter
Year: 2020
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: E. Le Donne, D. Morbidelli, S. Rigot
Title: Horizontally affine maps on step-two Carnot groups
Year: 2020
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: C. Llosa Isenrich, G. Pallier, R. Tessera
Title: Cone-equivalent nilpotent groups with different Dehn functions
Year: 2020
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: V. Kivioja, E. Le Donne, S. Nicolussi Golo
Title: Metric equivalences of Heintze groups and applications to classifications in low dimension
Year: 2021
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: E. Pasqualetto, T. Schultz
Title: Ultralimits of pointed metric measure spaces
Year: 2021
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: A. Bravo-Doddoli, E. Le Donne, N. Paddeu
Title: Sympletic reduction of the sub-Riemannian geodesic flow for metabelian nilpotent groups
Year: 2022
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: D. Di Donato, E. Le Donne
Title: Intrinsically Lipschitz sections and applications to metric groups
Year: 2022
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: N. Eldredge, M. Gordina, E. Le Donne, S. Li
Title: Notions of null sets in infinite-dimensional Carnot groups
Year: 2023
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: E. Le Donne, N. Paddeu
Title: Escape from compact sets of normal curves in Carnot groups
Year: 2023
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Published Paper

Authors: L. Dufloux
Title: The case of equality in the dichotomy of Mohammadi-Oh
Journal: Journal of Fractal Geometry
Year: 2019
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: E. Hakavuori
Title: Infinite geodesics and isometric embeddings in Carnot groups of step 2
Journal: SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
Year: 2020
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: G. Pallier
Title: Sublinear quasiconformality and the large-scale geometry of Heintze groups
Journal: Conformal Geometry and Dynamics
Year: 2020
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: A. Carbotti, S. Don, D. Pallara, A. Pinamonti
Title: Local minimizers and Gamma-convergence for nonlocal perimeters in Carnot Groups
Journal: ESAIM cocv
Year: 2021
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: S. Nardulli, F. Russo
Title: On the Hamilton's isoperimetric ratio in complete Riemannian manifolds of finite volume
Journal: Journal of Functional Analysis
Year: 2021
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: G. Antonelli, M. Fogagnolo, M. Pozzetta
Title: The isoperimetric problem on Riemannian manifolds via Gromov-Hausdorff asymptotic analysis
Journal: Communications in Contemporary Mathematics
Year: 2022
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: G. Antonelli, A. Merlo
Title: On rectifiable measures in Carnot groups: Marstrand-Mattila rectifiability criterion
Journal: Journal of Functional Analysis
Year: 2022
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: S. Nardulli, R. Resende
Title: Density of the boundary regular set of 2d area minimizing currents with arbitrary codimension and multiplicity
Journal: Advances in Mathematics
Year: 2022
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: A. Tyulenev
Title: Tracaes of Sobolev spaces to irregular subsets of metric measure spaces
Journal: Sbornik:Mathematics
Year: 2023
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Submitted Paper

Authors: A. Ardentov, E. Le Donne, Y. Sachkov
Title: A sub-Finsler problem on the Cartan group
Year: 2018
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: A. Ardentov, E. Le Donne, Y. Sachkov
Title: Sub-Finsler geodesics on the Cartan group
Year: 2018
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: G. David, E. Le Donne
Title: A note on topological dimension, Hausdorff measure, and rectifiability
Year: 2018
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: E. Le Donne, D. Freeman
Title: Toward a quasi-Möbius characterization of Invertible Homogeneous Metric Spaces
Year: 2018
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: K. Fässler, E. Le Donne
Title: On the quasi-isometric and bi-Lipschitz classification of 3D Riemannian Lie groups
Year: 2018
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: E. Hakavuori, E. Le Donne
Title: Blowups and blowdowns of geodesics in Carnot groups
Year: 2018
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: E. Le Donne, S. Li, T. Moisala
Title: Gateaux differentiability on infinite-dimensional Carnot groups
Year: 2018
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: D. Ntalampekos, M. Romney
Title: On the inverse absolute continuity of quasiconformal mappings on hypersurfaces
Year: 2018
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: M. Romney
Title: Singular quasisymmetric mappings in dimensions two and greater
Year: 2018
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes

Authors: E. Le Donne, S. Eriksson-Bique, C. Gartland, L. Naples, S. Nicolussi-Golo
Title: Nilpotent groups and biLipschitz embeddings into $L^1$
Year: 2022
Is open access provided to this publication? no
Does this publication acknowledge the ERC funding? yes