Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

L. Greco - T. Iwaniec - U. Subramanian

Another Approach to Biting Convergence of Jacobians

created on 18 Dec 2002
modified on 23 Jul 2003


Accepted Paper

Inserted: 18 dec 2002
Last Updated: 23 jul 2003

Year: 2002


We give new proof of the theorem of K. Zhang on biting convergence of Jacobian determinants for mapping of Sobolev class. The novelty of our approach is in using some estimates with the exponents $1\leqslant p<n$, as developed in \cite{IS1, IL, I1}. These rather strong estimates compensate for the lack of equi-integrability. The remaining arguments are fairly elementary. In particular, we are able to dispense with both Chacon biting lemma and Dunford-Pettis criterion for weak convergence in $L^1(\Omega)$. We extend the result to the so-called grand Sobolev setting.\par Biting convergence of Jacobians for mappings whose cofactor matrices are bounded in $L^{\frac n{n-1}}(\R^n)$ is also obtained. Possible generalizations to the wedge products of differential forms are discussed.
