Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

G. Arioli - F. Gazzola - H. C. Grunau

Entire solutions for a semilinear fourth order elliptic problem with exponential nonlinearity

created by gazzola on 16 Feb 2006
modified on 18 Jan 2007


Published Paper

Inserted: 16 feb 2006
Last Updated: 18 jan 2007

Year: 2006


We investigate entire radial solutions of the semilinear biharmonic equation $\Delta^2 u = \lambda \exp (u)$ in $\mathbb{R}^n$, $n\ge 5$, $\lambda >0$ being a parameter. We show that singular radial solutions of the corresponding Dirichlet problem in the unit ball cannot be extended as solutions of the equation to the whole of $\mathbb{R}^n$. In particular, they cannot be expanded as power series in the natural variable $s =\log
$. Next, we prove the existence of infinitely many entire regular radial solutions. They all diverge to $-\infty$ as $
\to \infty$ and we specify their asymptotic behaviour. As in the case with power-type nonlinearities \cite{GazzolaGrunau}, the entire singular solution $x\mapsto -4\log
$ plays the role of a separatrix in the bifurcation picture. Finally, a technique for the computer assisted study of a broad class of equations is developed. It is applied to obtain a computer assisted proof of the underlying dynamical behaviour for the bifurcation diagram of a corresponding autonomous system of ODEs, in the case $n=5$.
