Published Paper
Inserted: 1 aug 2010
Last Updated: 12 feb 2014
Journal: Arch. Rational Mech. Anal.
Volume: 202
Number: 1
Pages: 295-348
Year: 2011
Doi: 10.1007/s00205-011-0427-x
We consider the classical model of capillarity coupled with a rate-independent dissipation mechanism due to frictional forces acting on the contact line, and prove the existence of quasistatic evolutions with prescribed initial configuration. We also discuss in detail some explicit solutions to show that the model does account for contact angle hysteresis, and to compare its predictions with experimental observations.
Keywords: minimal surfaces, quasistatic evolution, Finite perimeter sets, capillary drops, Young's law, contact angle hysteresis, friction-induced dissipation, rate-independent dissipative processes