Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

A. Pratelli

How to show that some rays are maximal transport rays in Monge problem

created on 28 Jun 2004
modified by pratelli on 04 Oct 2005


Published Paper

Inserted: 28 jun 2004
Last Updated: 4 oct 2005

Journal: Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova
Volume: 113
Year: 2005


In this paper we prove a result, extending Lemma 8.1 in \cite{AmbPra}, which allows to proof that a set of segments is the set of the maximal transport rays for a transport problem. This is particularly useful to build non-trivial examples of transport maps, then in particular to provide specific examples (or counterexamples) in mass transportation. We also give some of these examples.
