Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

P. Bousquet - Augusto C. Ponce - J. Van Schaftingen

Generic topological screening and approximation of Sobolev maps

created by ponce on 31 Jan 2025



Inserted: 31 jan 2025

Year: 2025

ArXiv: 2501.18149 PDF


This manuscript develops a framework for the strong approximation of Sobolev maps with values in compact manifolds, emphasizing the interplay between local and global topological properties. Building on topological concepts adapted to VMO maps, such as homotopy and the degree of continuous maps, it introduces and analyzes extendability properties, focusing on the notions of $\ell$-extendability and its generalization, $(\ell, e)$-extendability. We rely on Fuglede maps, providing a robust setting for handling compositions with Sobolev maps. Several constructions -- including opening, thickening, adaptive smoothing, and shrinking -- are carefully integrated into a unified approach that combines homotopical techniques with precise quantitative estimates. Our main results establish that a Sobolev map $u \in W^{k, p}$ defined on a compact manifold of dimension $m > kp$ can be approximated by smooth maps if and only if $u$ is $(\lfloor kp \rfloor, e)$-extendable with $e = m$. When $e < m$, the approximation can still be carried out using maps that are smooth except on structured singular sets of rank $m - e - 1$.