Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

F. Peng - Y. R. Y. Zhang - Y. Zhou

Optimal regularity & Liouville property for stable solutions to semilinear elliptic equations in $\mathbb R^n$ with $n\ge10$

created by zhang1 on 12 Jun 2024



Inserted: 12 jun 2024

Year: 2021

ArXiv: 2105.02535 PDF


Let $ 0\le f\in C^{0,1}(\mathbb R^n)$. Given a domain $\Omega\subset \mathbb R^n$, we prove that any stable solution to the equation $-\Delta u=f(u)$ in $\Omega$ satisfies a BMO interior regularity when $n=10$, and an Morrey $M^{p_n,4+2/(p_n-2)}$ interior regularity when $n\ge 11$, where $$pn=\frac{2(n-2\sqrt{n-1}-2)}{n-2\sqrt{n-1}-4}. $$ This result is optimal as hinted by earlier results, and answers an open question raised by Cabr\'e, Figalli, Ros-Oton and Serra. As an application, we show a sharp Liouville property: Any stable solution $u \in C^2(\mathbb R^n)$ to $-\Delta u=f(u)$ in $\mathbb R^n$ satisfying the growth condition, i.e.\ $
= o\left( \log
\right)$ as $
\to+\infty$ when $n=10$; or $
= o\left(
^{ -\frac n2+\sqrt{n-1}+2 }\right)$ as $x
\to+\infty$ when $n\ge 11$, must be a constant. This extends the well-known Liouville property for radial stable solutions obtained by Villegas.