Inserted: 12 jun 2024
Year: 2022
In dimension 2, we introduce a distributional Jacobian determinant $\det
DV_\beta(Dv)$ for the nonlinear complex gradient $(x_1,x_2)\mapsto
^\beta(v_{x_1},-v_{x_2})$ for any $\beta>-1$, whenever $v\in W^{1,2
}_{\text{loc}}$ and $\beta
^{1+\beta}\in W^{1,2}_{\text{loc}}$. Then for
any planar $\infty$-harmonic function $u$, we show that such distributional
Jacobian determinant is a nonnegative Radon measure with some quantitative
local lower and upper bounds. We also give the following two applications.
(i) Applying this result with $\beta=0$, we develop an approach to build up a
Liouville theorem, which improves that of Savin 33. Precisely, if $u$ is
$\infty$-harmonic functions in whole ${\mathbb R}^2$ with $$
\liminf{R\to\infty}\inf{c\in\mathbb R}\frac1
\,dx<\infty,$$ then $u=b+a\cdot x$ for some
$b\in{\mathbb R}$ and $a\in{\mathbb R}^2$.
(ii) Denoting by $u_p$ the $p$-harmonic function having the same nonconstant
boundary condition as $u$, we show that $\det DV_\beta(Du_p) \to \det
DV_\beta(Du)$ as $p\to\infty$ in the weak-$\star$ sense in the space of Radon
measure. Recall that $V_\beta(Du_p)$ is always quasiregular mappings, but
$V_\beta(Du)$ is not in general.