Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

P. Gidoni - M. Morandotti - M. Zoppello

Gait controllability of length-changing slender microswimmers

created by morandott on 20 May 2024
modified on 21 May 2024


Submitted Paper

Inserted: 20 may 2024
Last Updated: 21 may 2024

Year: 2024

ArXiv: 2405.11961 PDF


Controllability results of four models of two-link microscale swimmers that are able to change the length of their links are obtained. The problems are formulated in the framework of Geometric Control Theory, within which the notions of fiber, total, and gait controllability are presented, together with sufficient conditions for the latter two. The dynamics of a general two-link swimmer is described by resorting to Resistive Force Theory and different mechanisms to produce a length-change in the links, namely, active deformation, a sliding hinge, growth at the tip, and telescopic links. Total controllability is proved via gait controllability in all four cases, and illustrated with the aid of numerical simulations.

Keywords: motion in viscous fluids, fluid-solid interaction, micro-swimmers, resistive force theory, controllability
