Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

D. Corro - J. Santos-Rodríguez - J. Núñez-Zimbrón

Cohomogeneity one RCD-spaces

created by corro on 16 May 2024



Inserted: 16 may 2024

Year: 2024

ArXiv: 2405.09448 PDF


We study $\mathsf{RCD}$-spaces $(X,d,\mathfrak{m})$ with group actions by isometries preserving the reference measure $\mathfrak{m}$ and whose orbit space has dimension one, i.e. cohomogeneity one actions. To this end we prove a Slice Theorem asserting that each slice at a point is homeomorphic to a non-negatively curved $\mathsf{RCD}$-space. Under the assumption that $X$ is non-collapsed we further show that the slices are homeomorphic to metric cones over homogeneous spaces with $\mathrm{Ric} \geq 0$. As a consequence we obtain complete topological structural results and a principal orbit representation theorem. Conversely, we show how to construct new $\mathsf{RCD}$-spaces from a cohomogeneity one group diagram, giving a complete description of $\mathsf{RCD}$-spaces of cohomogeneity one. As an application of these results we obtain the classification of cohomogeneity one, non-collapsed $\mathsf{RCD}$-spaces of essential dimension at most $4$.