Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

K. Bredies - J. A. Iglesias - D. Walter

On extremal points for some vectorial total variation seminorms

created by iglesias on 22 Apr 2024


Submitted Paper

Inserted: 22 apr 2024
Last Updated: 22 apr 2024

Year: 2024

ArXiv: 2404.12831 PDF


We consider the set of extremal points of the generalized unit ball induced by gradient total variation seminorms for vector-valued functions on bounded Euclidean domains. These extremal points are central to the understanding of sparse solutions and sparse optimization algorithms for variational regularization problems posed among such functions. For not fully vectorial cases in which either the domain or the target are one dimensional, or the sum of the total variations of each component is used, we prove that these extremals are fully characterized as in the scalar-valued case, that is, they consist of piecewise constant functions with two regions. For definitions involving more involved matrix norms and in particular spectral norms, which are of interest in image processing, we produce families of examples to show that the resulting set of extremal points is larger and includes piecewise constant functions with more than two regions. We also consider the total deformation induced by the symmetrized gradient, for which minimization with linear constraints appears in problems of determination of limit loads in a number of continuum mechanical models involving plasticity, bringing relevance to the corresponding extremal points. For this case, we show piecewise infinitesimally rigid functions with two pieces to be extremal under mild assumptions. Finally, as an example of an extremal which is not piecewise constant, we prove that unit radial vector fields are extremal for the Frobenius total variation in the plane.