Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

J. A. Iglesias - A. M. Bruckstein

On the Gamma-convergence of some polygonal curvature functionals

created by iglesias on 10 Apr 2024


Published Paper

Inserted: 10 apr 2024

Journal: Applicable Analysis
Year: 2015
Doi: 10.1080/00036811.2014.910302


We study the convergence of polygonal approximations of two variational problems for curves in the plane. These are classical Euler’s elastica and a linear growth model which has connections to minimizing length in a space of positions and orientations. The geometry of these minimizers plays a role in several image-processing tasks, and also in modelling certain processes in visual perception. We prove Gamma-convergence for the linear growth model in a natural topology, and existence of cluster points for sequences of discrete minimizers. Combining the technique for cluster points with a previous Gamma-convergence result for elastica, we also give a proof of convergence of discrete minimizers to continuous minimizers in that case, when a length penalty is present in the functional. Finally, some numerical experiments with these approximations are presented, and a scale invariant modification is proposed for practical applications.