Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

A. Cucinotta - A. Mondino

Half Space Property in RCD(0,N) spaces

created by mondino on 19 Feb 2024
modified on 31 May 2024



Inserted: 19 feb 2024
Last Updated: 31 may 2024

Year: 2024


The goal of this note is to prove the Half Space Property for $RCD(0,N)$ spaces, namely that if $(X,d,m)$ is a parabolic $RCD(0,N)$ space and $ C \subset X \times \mathbb{R}$ is locally the boundary of a locally perimeter minimizing set and it is contained in a half space, then $C$ is a locally finite union of horizontal slices.

If the assumption of local perimeter minimizing is strengthened into global perimeter minimizing, then the conclusion can be strengthened into uniqueness of the horizontal slice.

As a consequence, we obtain oscillation estimates and a Half Space Theorem for minimal hypersurfaces in products $M \times \mathbb{R}$, where $M$ is a parabolic smooth manifold (possibly weighted and with boundary) with non-negative Ricci curvature.

On the way of proving the main result, we also obtain some properties of Green's functions on $RCD(K,N)$ spaces that are of independent interest.
