Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

A. Mielke - R. Rossi - A. Stephan

On time-splitting methods for gradient flows with two dissipation mechanisms

created by rossi on 06 Aug 2023



Inserted: 6 aug 2023

Year: 2023

ArXiv: 2307.16137 PDF


We consider generalized gradient systems in Banach spaces whose evolutions are generated by the interplay between an energy functional and a dissipation potential. We focus on the case in which the dual dissipation potential is given by a sum of two functionals and show that solutions of the associated gradient-flow evolution equation with combined dissipation can be constructed by a split-step method, i.e. by solving alternately the gradient systems featuring only one of the dissipation potentials and concatenating the corresponding trajectories. Thereby the construction of solutions is provided either by semiflows, on the time-continuous level, or by using Alternating Minimizing Movements in the time-discrete setting. In both cases the convergence analysis relies on the energy-dissipation principle for gradient systems.