Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

A. Merlo - M. Mourgoglou - C. Puliatti

On the density problem in the parabolic space

created by merlo on 21 Apr 2023



Inserted: 21 apr 2023
Last Updated: 21 apr 2023

Year: 2022

ArXiv: 2211.04222 PDF


In this work we extend many classical results concerning the relationship between densities, tangents and rectifiability to the parabolic spaces, namely $\mathbb{R}^{n+1}$ equipped with parabolic dilations. In particular we prove a Marstrand-Mattila rectifiability criterion for measures of general dimension, we provide a characterisation through densities of intrinsic rectifiable measures, and we study the structure of $1$-codimensional uniform measures. Finally, we apply some of our results to the study of a quantitative version of parabolic rectifiability: we prove that the weak constant density condition for a $1$-codimensional Ahlfors-regular measure implies the bilateral weak geometric lemma.
