Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

G. Canevari - P. Colli

Convergence properties for a generalization of the Caginalp phase field system

created by canevari on 29 Jan 2021



Inserted: 29 jan 2021

Year: 2012

ArXiv: 1205.6093 PDF


We are concerned with a phase field system consisting of two partial differential equations in terms of the variables thermal displacement, that is basically the time integration of temperature, and phase parameter. The system is a generalization of the well-known Caginalp model for phase transitions, when including a diffusive term for the thermal displacement in the balance equation and when dealing with an arbitrary maximal monotone graph, along with a smooth anti-monotone function, in the phase equation. A Cauchy-Neumann problem has been studied for such a system in arXiv:1107.3950v2 math.AP, by proving well-posedness and regularity results, as well as convergence of the problem as the coefficient of the diffusive term for the thermal displacement tends to zero. The aim of this contribution is rather to investigate the asymptotic behaviour of the problem as the coefficient in front of the Laplacian of the temperature goes to 0: this analysis is motivated by the types III and II cases in the thermomechanical theory of Green and Naghdi. Under minimal assumptions on the data of the problems, we show a convergence result. Then, with the help of uniform regularity estimates, we discuss the rate of convergence for the difference of the solutions in suitable norms.