Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory

A. Majumdar - G. Canevari - M. Ramaswamy

Radial Symmetry on 3D Shells in the Landau-de Gennes Theory

created by canevari on 29 Jan 2021



Inserted: 29 jan 2021

Year: 2014

ArXiv: 1409.0143 PDF


We study the stability of the radial-hedgehog solution on a three-dimensional (3D) spherical shell with radial boundary conditions, within the Landau-de Gennes theory for nematic liquid crystals. We show that the radial-hedgehog solution has no zeroes for a sufficiently narrow shell, for all temperatures below the nematic supercooling temperature. We prove that the radial-hedgehog solution is the unique global Landau-de Gennes energy minimizer for a sufficiently narrow 3D spherical shell, for all temperatures below the nematic supercooling temperature. We provide explicit geometry-dependent criteria for the global minimality of the radial-hedgehog solution in this temperature regime. In the low temperature limit, we prove the global minimality of the radial-hedgehog solution on a 3D spherical shell, for all values of the inner and outer radii.