Published Paper
Inserted: 15 jan 2021
Last Updated: 16 jun 2023
Journal: The Journal of Geometric Analysis
Year: 2021
We generalize to the ${\rm RCD}(0,N)$ setting a family of monotonicity formulas by Colding and Minicozzi for positive harmonic functions in Riemannian manifolds with non-negative Ricci curvature. Rigidity and almost rigidity statements are also proven, the second appearing to be new even in the smooth setting. Motivated by the recent work in AFM we also introduce the notion of electrostatic potential in ${\rm RCD}$ spaces, which also satisfies our monotonicity formulas. Our arguments are mainly based on new estimates for harmonic functions in ${\rm RCD}(K,N)$ spaces and on a new functional version of the `(almost) outer volume come implies (almost) outer metric cone' theorem.