Published Paper
Inserted: 26 nov 2003
Last Updated: 19 dec 2005
Journal: Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal.
Volume: 175
Number: 2
Pages: 287-300
Year: 2005
Preprint Nr. 932003, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, DOWNLOAD AT http:/www.mis.mpg.depreprints2003index.html
The derivation of counterexamples to $L^1$ estimates can be reduced to a geometric decomposition procedure along rank-one lines in matrix space. We illustrate this concept in two concrete applications. Firstly, we recover a celebrated, and rather complex, counterexample by Ornstein, proving the failure of Korn's inequality, and of the corresponding geometrically nonlinear rigidity result, in $L^1$. Secondly, we construct a function $f:R^2\rightarrow R$ which is separately convex but whose gradient is not in BV{loc}, in the sense that the mixed derivative $f_{12}$ is not a bounded measure.
Keywords: bounded variation, convex integration, Korn's inequality, separate convexity, rank-one convexity, laminates